Keywords: Early views
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- Online Exhibits (137)
- Site Pages (175)
- My Maine Stories (23)
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Site Pages
These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.
Site Page
Life on a Tidal River - Bangor and Social Reform Movements of the 1800s-1900s
"In the early 1800's, Pond published a book against slavery. Another was Reverend Amory Battles. Battles was an abolitionist at the Unitarian Church…"
Site Page
Life on a Tidal River - Bangor: Healthcare Center of Eastern and Central Maine - Page 1 of 2
"It really started becoming popular in the early 1900s. People were impressed at how efficient the doctors were at caring for the patients no matter…"
Site Page
Lincoln, Maine - Osgood's Store
"Works Cited Fellows, Dana Willis. "Early View from Main Street, Looking North," History of the Town of Lincoln, Penobscot County Maine, 1872- 1928."
Site Page
Lincoln, Maine - Lincoln House Hotel
"… July 28, 1874 I am so excited, I started my shift early. Around 12 in the afternoon the new guests came. They were different."
Site Page
John Martin: Expert Observer - Dancing Fraternity, City of Bangor, 1868
"1865Maine Historical Society By the early years of the 19th century, the faster-paced, more intimate waltz surpassed older dances like contra or…"
Site Page
Cumberland & North Yarmouth - "Main Streets" of North Yarmouth and Cumberland
"Although less than four miles separated these early villages, covering ground between the two was extremely difficult."
Site Page
New Portland: Bridging the Past to the Future - Bridges of West New Portland
"Work was suspended during the winter but early in the spring it was resumed. On June 20, 1842 the bridge was opened to traffic, the cost was $2,200."
Site Page
Life on a Tidal River - Bangor: Lumber Capital of the World
"… Library From the first settlers of Bangor to the early 20th century, Bangor’s lumbering history has been rich and plentiful."
Site Page
"By the early 1900’s, the state of Maine, including costal towns like Phippsburg, looked to tourism and development as way to dig out of the state’s…"
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - Hallowell Floods
"Hallowell Flood 1936Hubbard Free Library Flood, Joppa viewed from Cotton Mill, Hallowell, 1936Hubbard Free Library The river also was getting…"
Site Page
Blue Hill, Maine - A Real Downeast County Fair
"Early entertainment included the Ferris Wheel, which is still popular, and an assortment of rides ranging from the sedate (animals rides) to the…"
Site Page
Lubec, Maine - Parade, Pins and Pageantry, 1911
"(The U.R.K.P. was disbanded in the early 1950s). The Third Battalion was located in Calais with its Company #11 in Eastport."
Site Page
Guilford, Maine - The Next Fifty Years 1916-1966
"… Guilford, 1954Guilford Historical Society In the early 1950’s the construction for a new steel and concrete bridge was underway after being…"
Site Page
Guilford, Maine - Historic Buildings - Page 2 of 2
"1918Guilford Historical Society This is an early 1900s photo of the Guilford Bed & Breakfast. This building was built in the 1890s by David Campbell…"
Site Page
Lincoln, Maine - Benjamin Chesley
"Goodwin, Kathrine B. Personal Glimpses of the Early Settlers of Lincoln, Maine. Print. "Gravestone Record." Mattanawcook Observer. 5th ed. Vol."
Site Page
Lincoln, Maine - Thomas S. Libby
"Hawkins, 1984. Print. Personal Glimpses of the Early Settlers of Lincoln, Maine. Kathryn B.Goodwin - s.n."
Site Page
"… passenger railroad service didn't start until the early 1870s. Until then, only cargo was carried on the rails. The railroad was owned by E & N.A."
Site Page
"Lewiston Maine: Dingley Inc. 236-43. Lincoln Maine Historical Society, ed. "Lincoln's Early Mail Service." The Lincoln Historical Society. Print."
Site Page
Lincoln, Maine - Jonathan Clay Jr.
"1950. 109. Print. Goodwin, Kathryn. Personal Glimpses Of The Early Settlers Of Lincoln, Maine. Lincoln: 67. Print."
Site Page
Lincoln, Maine - Jacob Stinchfield
"5 Apr. 2010. Goodwin, Kathryn B. "Jacob Stinchfield." Personal Glimpses of the Early Settlers of Lincoln, Maine. Maine: S.n., 1970. 55-56. Print."
Site Page
Mercy Hospital - School of Nursing - Page 3 of 3
"… (serving 37 years from 1930 – 1967) laid the early foundation for Mercy’s policy of fostering training for its students across New England."
Site Page
"… its destiny – from trade and fishing in the early years, through the prosperous era of herring processing, and into the present with efforts to…"
Site Page
Islesboro--An Island in Penobscot Bay - Historical Overview
"In the early days, doctors had to be fetched from the mainland by boat to attend the sick. Southern islanders rowed to Lincolnville, borrowed a team…"
Site Page
Life on a Tidal River - Narrative
"The potentials of the land attracted early settlers. The soil was rich and well drained; abundant forests spread over the landscape; smaller water…"