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Keywords: Family and community

Site Pages

These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.

Site Page

Freedom & Captivity Portal

The Freedom & Captivity digital collection in the Maine Memory Network, and the complete digital archive housed at Colby Special Collections, is a repository of personal testimonies, ephemera, memorabilia, artifacts, and visual materials that capture multiple dimensions of the experiences of incarceration for individuals, families, and communities, as well as for survivors of harm.

Site Page

Biddeford History & Heritage Project - I. Headwaters of a community: Sowacatuck, Chouacoet, and the sea

"… patrilineal social organization allowed numerous family band affiliations and frequent migrations between villages.” (Ghere, 513) Wood Island…"

Site Page

Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - The Bryants and Rockefellers: Two Seal Harbor Families

"Upon the birth of Donald and Marguerite’s second child in the early 1950s, they decided that it would be best if Donald worked closer to home."

Site Page

Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Building Community and Commerce

"Building Community and Commerce Salem Towne Map, Mount Desert Island, ca. 1808 In 1808, Salem Towne Jr., Esq., was given the task of mapping…"

Site Page

Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Caring For Our Families and Friends

"Caring For Our Families and Friends From the first European settlement on Swan’s Island, written records show that the community has financially…"

Site Page

Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - The Porter Family

"… the late 1840s, Ezekiel Porter wanted to keep his family in Strong and built three houses for his sons on Main Street."

Site Page

Mercy Hospital - Mercy & the Community

"… professionals who provide a broad array of home health care and hospice services designed to support Maine families’ health and wellness at home."

Site Page

Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - The Savage Family of Mount Desert

"Somesville and mid-island, with the extended Pray, Somes, Richardson, and Higgins clans, and Tremont with its Reeds, Goodwins, Lawsons, and Murphys…"

Site Page

Skowhegan Community History - About the Project

"Another found the military kit, family records, and correspondence of Alexander Crawford, a farmer from Skowhegan who had fought in the Civil War."

Site Page

Presque Isle: The Star City - National Community Christmas Tree - 1959

"The pageant featured live reindeer, an Eskimo family, arts and crafts from children around the world, youth representing Youth for Christ…"

Site Page

Skowhegan Community History - A Brief History of the Skowhegan Area

"The first families, the Westons and the Heywoods, were farmers who traveled up the river in 1771 from Massachusetts."

Site Page

Historic Hallowell - Protect and Serve - Hallowell Fire and Police

"in 1819, and brought to Hallowell by the Vaughan family. In 1835 the Hallowell Fire Department was organized and over the years it introduced new…"

Site Page

Historic Hallowell - Values and Charity

"… of industrialization included the separation of families, causing poverty and homelessness for young women, Mary Merrick Flagg and Mrs. A.C."

Site Page

Biddeford History & Heritage Project - VIII. Changing course and new beginnings (1955-Present) - Page 2 of 2

"A growing community of artists and entrepreneurs are breathing new life into the downtown, and hope to transform it back into the lively neighborhood…"

Site Page

Blue Hill, Maine - Long Island: The Forgotten Community - Page 2 of 3

"… cattle, sheep, and swine, for the use of their families, spun, wove, and knit their clothing from the wool of their own sheep, and lived within…"

Site Page

Historic Hallowell - Police and Fire Citations

"N.p.: n.p., 2003. Genealogical and family history of the state of Maine, Volume 3  By Henry Sweetser Burrage, Albert Roscoe Stubbs. n.d. Google."

Site Page

Tate House Museum

View collections, facts, and contact information for this Contributing Partner.

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Who were the Kennebec and Pejepscot Proprietors? - Page 7 of 7

"… notice to several hundred families between 1749 and 1751, in nineteen communities from North Yarmouth to Newcastle that they should either ask the…"

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Who were the Kennebec and Pejepscot Proprietors? - Page 1 of 7

"The proprietors shaped the composition of Maine communities by recruiting Scots-Irish, Huguenot, and German settlers when New Englanders did not find…"

Site Page

John Martin: Expert Observer - "Representing every particular:" John Martin's Reflections, Illustrations, and Commentary - Page 2 of 2

"… and Maine State Museum The growing Raynes family and John Martin moved several times to locations in Brewer and Hampden, and finally to Bangor…"

Site Page

Skowhegan Community History - Early Settlement in Skowhegan

"Joesph and his family came by boat up the Kennebec River. Then they got to a spot where it was too shallow to go on by boat, so they started to cut a…"

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Women in Colonial Economies - Page 3 of 4

"… of their households and the reproduction of her families and communities, the labor of women including Martha Ballard was an essential complement…"

Site Page

Scarborough: They Called It Owascoag - Catch of the Day: Clamming and Lobstering - Page 4 of 4

"These historic community boundaries are still respected, and many young fishermen might fish where family before him fished, but today anyone goes…"

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Passamaquoddy Hereditary Chief Francis Joseph Neptune

"… to hear stories from the elders of the Tribal community about the location of the St. Croix River."