Keywords: Farmer's Group
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Site Pages
These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.
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Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - Groups, Clubs & Organizations - Page 1 of 3
"… to improve the economic and social position of farmers and their families. The name comes from the Latin word "granum," or "grain." The Grange…"
Site Page
Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - Groups, Clubs & Organizations - Page 2 of 3
"Groups, Clubs & Organizations The Grand Army of the Republic G.A.R. picnic, Strong, ca. 1895 Members of Post 134 of the Grand Army of the…"
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Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - Groups, Clubs & Organizations - Page 3 of 3
"Groups, Clubs & Organizations Knights of Pythias The Knights of Pythias was another post-Civil War fraternal organization and secret society…"
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Early Maine Photography - Groups - Page 2 of 2
"Judkins, wife of farmer Benjamin Judkins, and her four daughters, all modestly attired in contrast to the Deerings. With her hand to her cheek, Mrs."
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View collections, facts, and contact information for this Contributing Partner.
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Presque Isle: The Star City - Potato import protest, Presque Isle, 1982
""We will stay until Christmas, if we have to," one grower said. The farmers planned to stay until their demands were met."
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Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - The Cheese Factory
"This factory had been organized by local farmers, and the farmers named the factory the Sandy River Cheese Company."
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Presque Isle: The Star City - John R Braden
"… in 1900, was a group of local business men, farmers, and horsemen. They were once referred to as “promoters of clean sport”."
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Presque Isle: The Star City - Arthur R. Gould
"His father (Robinson Gould) was a farmer and Arthur worked the farm and butcher business along side his father and brothers, Charles, John, and…"
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Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - Strong's History - Page 2 of 4
"In April, 1871, a group of farmers organized the Sandy River Cheese Company, the first in the state."
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Portland Press Herald Glass Negative Collection - Portland Press Herald Glass Negative Collection
"… Waterville Morning Sentinel, and the Maine Farmer. In 1925, Gannett would consolidate the Portland newspaper market with the purchase of the…"
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Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - Student Research
"… for soldiers’ wool uniforms and blankets, Maine farmers raised more sheep. So many Maine soldiers perished or migrated as a result of the War that…"
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Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - Soldiers Of The Civil War
"He was a farmer in Strong after the war and died June 8, 1915, and is buried with his wife, who died two years later, in the Strong Village Cemetery."
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Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - Grand Army of the Republic
"This group had meetings for the members and picnics that included their families. The meetings were sometimes about voting rights for black veterans."
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Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - Strong's History - Page 4 of 4
"… All shareholders of the privately-owned Franklin Farmers Co-Operative Tel. Co. were responsible for repairs and keeping batteries charged, so phone…"
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Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - National Blue Ribbon School
"… would be added, as well as two rooms for small group testing, and new gym bleachers. A special feature was a new handicapped accessible classroom…"
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Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - About Us - Page 2 of 3
"… wood products industry, history of town schools, groups and organizations, and the story of the bridge."
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Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - "Fly Rod" Crosby - Page 3 of 3
"… Sportsman and Guides Association is a very active group that advocates for local guides, habitat and wildlife conservation."
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Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - The Porter Family
"Mr. Porter was a very good craftsman. As a farmer and merchant, he also helped the community in many ways."
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Presque Isle: The Star City - Graduates, Gouldville Elementary, Presque Isle, 1922
"… Isle Historical Society Description A group photo of the graduating class from Gouldville Elementary School in Presque Isle in 1922."
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Presque Isle: The Star City - Presque Isle High School Basketball Team 1913
"… Isle Historical Society Description A Group photograph of the Presque Isle High School Basketball Team in 1913."
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Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - Prominent Women
"Thanks to the efforts of a group of grateful students, the grave marker was replaced with a 10 foot tall monument."
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Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - Village Schools
"One group had the slogan, “A seat for every child.” Five teachers spent about two-week’s pay to purchase their own desks to assist in furnishing…"