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Keywords: International dispute

Site Pages

These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.

Site Page

Early Maine Photography - Famous People - Page 3 of 3

"… worked to settle the Northeastern Boundary Dispute with Great Britain in Maine’s favor. During his third term, he traveled from Portland, then the…"

Site Page

Lubec, Maine - Timeline

"… Lubec was already in existence 1818 • Boundary dispute settled, Eastport evacuated by the British • Boundary between Canada and U.S.; Campobello…"

Site Page

Life on a Tidal River - Narrative

"… The settlement of a long-standing boundary dispute between the United States and Great Britain in 1842 also contributed to Bangor's growing…"

Site Page

Lubec, Maine - Lubec History

"… British from 1814 until 1818 when the boundary dispute with the U.S. was finally settled, establishing the border between Canada and the U.S…"