Keywords: Islanders
- Historical Items (2455)
- Tax Records (1995)
- Architecture & Landscape (60)
- Online Exhibits (104)
- Site Pages (327)
- My Maine Stories (45)
- Lesson Plans (0)
Site Pages
These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.
Site Page
Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Student genealogy
"1925Swan's Island Historical Society As members of a small island school, many of Swan's Island's k-8th grade school share common ancestry."
Site Page
Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Telephone communication
"1950Swan's Island Historical Society Telephones for family use arrived on the island during the 1920s."
Site Page
Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Redmen's Hall
"1920Swan's Island Historical Society The Improved Order of Red Men was a national fraternal organization that became popular on Swan's Island in the…"
Site Page
Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Ocean View Hotel
"Ocean View Hotel, Swan's Island, ca. 1930Swan's Island Historical Society Island resident Marion Stinson remembers the hotel: "Mom took me to one…"
Site Page
Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Minturn Schoolhouse
"1965Swan's Island Historical Society The Minturn Schoolhouse closed when the three island schools consolidated into one in 1951."
Site Page
Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Quarrying
"1900Swan's Island Historical Society Granite quarrying was a successful industry on Swan’s Island from the 1890s to the late 1920s when the…"
Site Page
Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Exhibits
"1955Swan's Island Historical Society In creating our exhibits, especially the islanders at work and play exhibits, we have had to work with scant…"
Site Page
Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - History Detectives
"… club was started in the fall of 2012 by Island Institute Fellow Kate Webber, with the goal of involving kids in Swan's Island history and the Maine…"
Site Page
Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Baird's Quarry history
"… marriage license, Swan's Island, 1910Swan's Island Historical Society One family story involves Laura Turner, an island girl who married Dana…"
Site Page
Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - The Tea Room
"1940Swan's Island Historical Society 253 Harbor Road is now known best as the popular Swan's Island Tea Room, but it once served as a home for…"
Site Page
Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Playing at the pond
"… at the Quarry Pond, Swan's Island, 1949Swan's Island Historical Society Swimmers at the Quarry Pond, Swan's Island, ca."
Site Page
Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Seaside Hall
"Seaside Hall View of Atlantic, Swan's Island, 1916Swan's Island Historical Society Seaside Hall was built by the Atlantic Improvement Society…"
Site Page
Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - -Across the Sea- a history through transportation
"1910Swan's Island Historical Society What is life like on a Maine island? What sort of person chooses to place six miles of water between themselves…"
Site Page
Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - The McCormick house
"… the home of Theo McCormick, who moved to Swan's Island with her late husband Stephen McCormick, the longtime radio and television broadcaster who…"
Site Page
Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Draining the quarry
"… Pond X On July 27, 2003, a group of Swan's Islanders got together to drain the Quarry Pond in Minturn, Swan's Island."
Site Page
Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - III. Boom, bustle, bust: The Steamboat Years to WWII
"Spurling's Store, Swan's Island, ca. 1925Swan's Island Historical Society Island stores received regular supplies from the mainland, and as many as…"
Site Page
"The island was a good site to hunt seal and porpoises for skins and oil, as well as to gather sea fowl eggs, sweet grass, clams and lobsters. As Dr."
Site Page
Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Running the Town
"There was not another woman in this position until Nancy Carter was elected in 2004. Velma Morse HolmesSwan's Island Historical Society The…"
Site Page
Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Kids at the quarry
"Kids at the quarry Swan's Island 3-5 grade class on an old quarry boilerSwan's Island Historical Society Kim Colbeth's 3-5 grade class visited…"
Site Page
"… Consolidated School, Swan's Island, 1954Swan's Island Historical Society The separation between islanders decreased further when the three schools…"
Site Page
Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Bonnie and Donnie Staples' house
"… Staples at his store, Swan's Island, 1966Swan's Island Historical Society Island resident Carolyn Martin describes the store experience: "You went…"
Site Page
Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Caring For Our Families and Friends
"Those who served our island in the capacity of nurse that followed Miss Douglass are Ruth Osborne, Ann Calley, Leila Whitehill, Helen Bernstoff…"
Site Page
"The island harbors were shaped by fishing, with boat building, cooper’s shops, processing plants, and chandleries."
Site Page
Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Second Generation & Permanent Structures at Asticou
"Second Generation & Permanent Structures at Asticou John II and Climena would outlive nine of their 11 children, most of whom died relatively young…"