Keywords: Maine Salmon
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Site Pages
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Salmon Brook Historical Society
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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Salmon industry
"The first deliveries of salmon smolt (baby salmon) were brought by the ferry, Everett Libby. The picture on the right shows the delivery of the smolt."
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"… site of the old Hilltop School 1980s • Growth of salmon aquaculture, sea urchin, scallop, lobster fisheries • New England Aquarium establishes Bay…"
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"Salmon aquaculture has also grown in Lubec and Campobello waters. Gathering balsam fir tips for the manufacture of Christmas wreaths, cutting fire…"
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Guilford, Maine - Pre-Settlement And The First 100 Years
"… Guilford’s case there were the Piscataquis River, Salmon Stream, and a small outlet from Davis Pond thus three areas; Guilford Village, Guilford…"
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Western Maine Foothills Region - Rumford - Page 1 of 4
"… Indians for the purposes of fishing salmon at the “Great Falls.” There is little evidence that there was any permanent settlement in this area, but…"
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Old Berwick Historical Society
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Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - Porter Lake
"The lake trout like the rocky shoreline. The salmon and brook trout are occasionally stocked to make fishing even more popular."
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Presque Isle: The Star City - Native Americans
"After the salmon fishing, the village would break up into bands, or groups of related families. These would disperse into their traditional hunting…"
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Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - "Fly Rod" Crosby - Page 1 of 3
"… of sports by placing bag limits on deer, salmon and trout as well as advocating for catch and release fishing tactics."
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Islesboro--An Island in Penobscot Bay - Businesses and Cottage Industries
"Early fishermen set nets for salmon and haddock. Cod was caught on trawls, mostly for island consumption."
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Highlighting Historical Hampden - Riverside Park
"… a Sunday menu offered a choice of Penobscot River salmon, roast spring lamb, cold boiled ham, sandwiches, lobster salad, boiled or mashed potatoes…"
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Farmington: Franklin County's Shiretown - Agriculture
"The Sandy River provided great amounts of salmon, which was smoked and stored for later use. The forest provided game for the table."
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Surry by the Bay - Early Settlement
"Clams, flounders, salmon, shad, cod and haddock were plentiful, and succotash and pemmican (no hide) were popular Indian dishes."
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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - V. Changing times: the Swan’s Island Ferry
"In 1988, Mariculture Products started a salmon farm that was obtained and renamed "Island Aquaculture" by a local group in 1993."