Keywords: Maine businesses
- Historical Items (4346)
- Tax Records (838)
- Architecture & Landscape (93)
- Online Exhibits (150)
- Site Pages (1022)
- My Maine Stories (77)
- Lesson Plans (4)
Site Pages
These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.
Site Page
Lincoln, Maine - Thomas G. Libby
"Works Cited "The Buildings, Businesses, and Streets of Lincoln." Lincoln Historical Society: Black Binder 1 & 2. Print. Fellows, Dana Willis."
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Guilford, Maine - Early Manufacturing - Page 3 of 3
"… Historical Society He needed to move part of the business here to be closer to the source of the raw materials required, primarily white birch…"
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Lincoln, Maine - Lower Main Street looking north, Lincoln, ca. 1948
"Lower Main Street looking north, Lincoln, ca. 1948 Contributed by Lincoln Historical Society Description View of Main Street in Lincoln…"
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Lincoln, Maine - That Pioneer Spirit
"… fire "destroyed two buildings and displaced four businesses." The second fire "displaced six businesses," and destroyed the "Lake Mall and an…"
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Lincoln, Maine - The Stanislaus Family
"That business also gave lots of jobs in town. The Stanislaus family was also important to Lincoln because they provided the town with Native American…"
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Lincoln, Maine - Gordon's Fox Farms
"Fox farms were a very large business. Fox farms were like having a farm with all kinds of animals on it."
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Guilford, Maine - Historic Buildings - Page 2 of 2
"X ELM STREET BUSINESSES Tina Welts House on Elm Street, Guilford, ca. 1880Guilford Historical Society Elm Street Businesses…"
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Lincoln, Maine - Other Early Hospitals
"… 13, 1947 the Gulesian Hospital was open for business. This hospital took in surgical patients, maternity patients and patients that need to be…"
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Maine's Swedish Colony, July 23, 1870 - Eureka Hall, Stockholm
"There are now two present owners that run the business, Robert Rankin and Susie Anderson. The hall was originally built in the early 1920s by the Odd…"
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Guilford, Maine - The Next Fifty Years 1916-1966
"Many businesses seemed to be “changing hands” or were “merging” but most remained and improved their services – including the bakery, hardware store…"
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Lincoln, Maine - About Our Project
"… Project (MCHP), a partnership between the Maine Historical Society and Maine State Library, is an innovative program that promotes collaboration…"
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Guilford, Maine - Pre-Settlement And The First 100 Years
"In 1890 the population was 1022 and along with the B & P railroad, the town had 29 businesses, 2 churches, 2 physicians, 1 dentist, 1 lawyer, 2…"
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Western Maine Foothills Region - Peru
"Businesses From its inception, the little town of Peru has had many businesses, starting with stores, then sawmills and gristmills."
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Thomaston: The Town that Went to Sea - Maine State Prison
"He had left his Thomaston lime business and farm property in the hands of Captain Ballard Green and Peter H."
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Guilford, Maine - Historic Buildings - Page 1 of 2
"To the left is Elm Street businesses. Notice the Methodist Church in the background. Bank Square and Elm Street Businesses, Guilford…"
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Historic Hallowell - Maine Community Heritage Project
"… Project (MCHP), a partnership between the Maine Historical Society and Maine State Library, is an innovative program that promotes collaboration…"
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Western Maine Foothills Region - Ridlonville
"… in the 40's and 50's Ridlonville lost many businesses to Rumford. Social activities also moved across the river."
Site Page
Presque Isle: The Star City - Main and State streets, Presque Isle, 1929
"This photograph shows the Bolton Block and the businesses within in 1929. The Bolton Block was destroyed by fire in 1943."
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Guilford, Maine - Early Manufacturing - Page 1 of 3
"… in 1920 was purchased by Lloyd Cartwright, doing business as the Minto Toothpick and Specialty Company, a Saginaw Michigan concern that processed…"
Site Page
Lincoln, Maine - Jonathan Clay Jr.
"He came from Buckfield, Maine in 1823. Jonathan Clay, Jr. was married to Helen M. Page of Burlington, Maine. They had two sons, Asa and Daniel."
Site Page
Lincoln, Maine - Thomas S. Libby
"Kathryn B.Goodwin - s.n. - Maine? - 1970 Their Eyes Hath Seen the Glory. Beckie Goodwin - B. Goodwin - Lincoln Center, Me. - 1992"
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Guilford, Maine - Early Manufacturing - Page 2 of 3
"… firm to establish their presence in the carpeting business, They also acquired Johnson Woolen of Connecticut adding raw wool scouring and grading…"
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Guilford, Maine - EVENTS - Page 2 of 3
"There were many more floods in Maine, but we only told you about three of them. There were a lot of historical objects lost in these floods, the…"
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Lincoln, Maine - Lincoln Memorial Library
"It is located at 11 West Broadway, Lincoln, Maine. In 1925, the library building was officially opened."