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Keywords: North End School

Site Pages

These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.

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Farmington: Franklin County's Shiretown - Agriculture

"He later moved to the “Fairbanks” area, north of the center village and built a mill that was in operation for several decades. Haying c."

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Historic Hallowell - Schooners, Steamers, Ships and Tankers

"… blunt-ended scow hull, was popular in North America for coastal and river transport. They could go from Hallowell to as far away as Cuba."

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Skowhegan Community History - Skowhegan: "A Place To Watch"

"… intent of invading Quebec City, 184 miles to the north. The first settlement in the area was called Canaan, and early 19th century settlers carved…"

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Highlighting Historical Hampden - John Crosby

"It was north of Elm Street West, now called Damsite. In his dealings with Jacob Curtis’ blacksmith shop, Crosby’s trading business is evident."

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - III. Boom, bustle, bust: The Steamboat Years to WWII

"… ships: the Vinalhaven, Governor Bodwell, and the North Haven, served the needs of Swan’s Island. After the North Haven departed, no replacement was…"

Site Page

Historic Hallowell - Sweat on the Kennebec ~ Hallowell Steam and Boom Company

"… seen working the sorting boom in a view looking north on the river from neighboring Chelsea. The river is calm and workers are dressed in pants and…"

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Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - Strong's History - Page 1 of 4

"3, First Range North of Plymouth Claim, West of Kennebec River (T3 R1 NPC WKR). As settlers moved to the area, it became known as Middletown and…"

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Historic Hallowell - Hallowell Floods

"Kennebec River Flood, North end of Joppa, Hallowell, 1896Hubbard Free Library On March 2nd, 1896, Hallowell had its 3rd largest flood in the history…"

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Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - Soldiers Of The Civil War

"… for his family since they lived in that area of North Freeman. Dr. Foster practiced as "a surgeon and dentist" in Freeman."

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John Martin: Expert Observer - Atkins House, Jefferson Street, Bangor, 1851

"Martin drew the illustration of the west side and north end of the house as it appeared on September 25, 1851."

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John Martin: Expert Observer - Thomas White Dry Good Emporium, Bangor, 1864

"The north and south stores were for retail sales. The brick building is captured in a drawing done by John Martin (1823-1904), an accountant and…"

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John Martin: Expert Observer - Canoe race, Kenduskeag Stream, Bangor, 1865

"… illustration, which includes the five canoes, has north at the bottom. Martin wrote, "Every available place on the bridges custom house wharves…"

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Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - Strong's History - Page 3 of 4

"… years, they maintained a water pump at the north end of town to supply a reservoir for fire protection."

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Surry by the Bay - Phebe Fowler: A Woman of Property

"… members of the Lord family, Benjamin had migrated north from Kittery, Maine, after the revolution and purchased land in what was to become the Town…"

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Biddeford History & Heritage Project - VIII. Changing course and new beginnings (1955-Present) - Page 2 of 2

"… the industrial and shopping parks on the western end of town, and investments in new schools have been made."

Site Page

Scarborough: They Called It Owascoag - Historical Overview - Page 2 of 4

"… was erected at Black Point about a half mile north of Great Pond (later known as Massacre Pond), because the "neck" was too far away to be…"

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Blue Hill, Maine - Discover the Story of Blue Hill - Page 2 of 4

"In winter, they might go north to cut wood. Early settlers of Blue Hill were forced to be resourceful in order to survive."

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Blue Hill, Maine - Discover the Story of Blue Hill - Page 4 of 4

"… and Eastern Star, the Granges in East, South, and North Blue Hill, and the Baptist and Congregational churches were the center of social life and…"

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Architecture & Landscape database - John P. Thomas

"Hazzard, Jr. in Gardiner, Harry M. Verrill in North Windham, Spaulding Bisbee in Cumberland, and Walter G. Davis, Guy P. Gannett, and Henry P."

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Presque Isle: The Star City - History of Presque Isle

"… Potato Plot X Main Street facing North, Presque Isle, 1895Mark & Emily Turner Memorial Library Farmers received cash for their crop, paid…"

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Presque Isle: The Star City - Arthur R. Gould

"He felt that the school was badly needed. He drafted legislation to bring the school to fruition. The bill was vetoed by the Governor."

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Bath's Historic Downtown - Old Town Hall and Grant Building

"This bell used to be in the North Church belfry on High Street until it was transported to City Hall. The bell rang every morning, noon, and night."

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Lincoln, Maine - Mills & Paper Industry - Page 1 of 2

"… Lincoln Historical Society Sorting gap, North Lincoln, 1910Lincoln Historical Society In the fall of 1825, the Wendell Brothers from…"

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Lubec, Maine - Timeline

"A school in North Lubec was already in existence 1818 • Boundary dispute settled, Eastport evacuated by the British • Boundary between Canada and…"