Keywords: Old town hall
- Historical Items (73)
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- Architecture & Landscape (0)
- Online Exhibits (57)
- Site Pages (103)
- My Maine Stories (7)
- Lesson Plans (0)
Site Pages
These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.
Site Page
Bath's Historic Downtown - Old Town Hall and Grant Building
"Right before this new Town Hall was occupied, the “Great Fire of 1837” decimated most of the early records thought to be safely in storage."
Site Page
Bath's Historic Downtown - Davenport Memorial and City Hall
"City Hall had a courtroom, a marshal's office, a judge's office, and a police matron's office. The City Hall is still used for meetings and official…"
Site Page
Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Odd Fellows Hall
"Odd Fellows Hall Odd Fellows Hall after repairs, Swan's Island, ca. 1985Swan's Island Historical Society The Independent Order of Odd Fellows…"
Site Page
Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Old Buildings
"… The Tea Room Redmen's Hall Seaside Hall Andrew Smith Store The McCormick house Ocean View Hotel Odd Fellows Hall"
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Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - The Old Ell is Born
"Like the Old House, the Old Ell saw more than one move. Its first move was just to the east of the present day Sand Garden feature in the Asticou…"
Site Page
Bath's Historic Downtown - Student Exhibits
"… Ledyard Block Lincoln Block Merchants' Row Old Town Hall and Grant Building The Patten Free Library The Railroad Station Sagadahoc Block and…"
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Bath's Historic Downtown - The Sagadahock House and The Sagadahoc Block
"He then lent his diving suit to A.S. Hall. Hall went back to New Meadows and talked the engineer, Mr."
Site Page
Bath's Historic Downtown - The Patten Free Library
"… room, a youth room, a lobby and a lecture hall. Mildred C. Wright donated $150,000 to the library for its construction."
Site Page
Bath's Historic Downtown - History Overview
"… changes, including the replacement of the old town hall building at the northeast corner of Centre and Water Streets with a new building to house…"
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Bath's Historic Downtown - Columbian Block
"… the site of the Columbian Hotel and the Columbian Hall, which burned in 1893. Since the original construction in 1894, the first story and probably…"
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Bath's Historic Downtown - Intersection of Centre and Washington
"… 1925, the Music Hall changed ownership to a pool hall, and the location changed hands from pool halls, bars, and other small businesses, until…"
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Bath's Historic Downtown - Entertainment- Alameda and Opera House
"These included the Music Hall, Uptown Theater, Columbia Hall, and our focus, the Bath Opera House, and its precursor, the Alameda."
Site Page
Bath's Historic Downtown - Ledyard Block
"In 1926, the Masons moved from the Masonic Hall in the Ledyard Block to the new Masonic Temple at 788 Washington Street."
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Bath's Historic Downtown - Project Partners
"6 Old Brunswick Road Bath, ME 04530 (207) 443-8270 email: Maine Community Heritage Project The Maine…"
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Bath's Historic Downtown - Church Block
"The builders had the angel moved to the Old North Church so it would not be destroyed. Also the builders had the angel's red boots turned to…"
Site Page
Bath's Historic Downtown - Project Resources
"… and Environs, 1607-1894.” Maps Map of Part of the Town of Bath, A. Hammett, circa 1830. City of Bath, Lincoln County, Maine."
Site Page
Bath's Historic Downtown - The Sagadahoc County Courthouse
"… in Bath, the county seat, serves the following towns: Bath, Arrowsic, Georgetown, Woolwich, West Bath, Phippsburg, Bowdoin, Bowdoinham, Richmond…"
Site Page
Bath's Historic Downtown - Merchants' Row
"These buildings are from 167 to 177 years old, and create the heart of Bath's downtown. Physically they are at the center of Merchants' Row and that…"
Site Page
Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - Grand Army of the Republic
"… of veterans sat around a table or out in the hall and sang old war songs, talked about war experiences, and swapped accounts of their deeds."
Site Page
Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - III. Boom, bustle, bust: The Steamboat Years to WWII
"Epworth Hall and Seaside Hall also housed community events. Apart from the fishing industry, many laborers were attracted to Swan’s Island’s quarries."
Site Page
Bath's Historic Downtown - Project Overview
"Project Overview In June of 2008, the community partnership of the Sagadahoc History & Genealogy Room at the Patten Free Library, the Bath…"
Site Page
Bath's Historic Downtown - The Railroad Station
"The Railroad Station X Text by Michael Armstrong, Alexis Judkins, Emily Love, and Otto Werwaiss 7th grade students at Bath Middle School Images…"
Site Page
Bath's Historic Downtown - Dreamland and Liberty
"Dreamland and Liberty Text by Frazier Metcalf and Deion Osmond 7th grade students from Bath Middle School Images from the Patten Free Library Where…"
Site Page
Bath's Historic Downtown - Welcome
"Welcome X X What do you get when you combine local history, curiosity, and technology with 60 seventh graders and their teachers from Bath…"