Keywords: Operating rooms
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- Site Pages (94)
- My Maine Stories (11)
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Site Pages
These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.
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Guilford, Maine - Historic Buildings - Page 1 of 2
"It was lost to fire in 1903, but part of the building was salvaged and relocated. The part of the building that remained is today operating as a…"
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South Bristol Historical Society
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"There was a barber shop operated by Lyman Haskell and a fish market operated by Dan McEachern and Nick Stanley. The photography shop of Isaac T."
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Guilford, Maine - BUSINESSES - Page 3 of 3
"… its own specific name: the Rose Room, the Cottage Room, the Hudson Room, the Cummings Suite, the Garden Room, and the Highland Room--all ranging in…"
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Scarborough: They Called It Owascoag - Catch of the Day: Clamming and Lobstering - Page 2 of 4
"… could work at home rather than going to cutting rooms at various locations. It was common to see a clam tray leaning against every fisherman’s…"
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Western Maine Foothills Region - For The Love Of Paper - Page 2 of 4
"This operation became part of the Oxford name in 1922. The new President of Oxford continued in his father's footsteps, seeing the need for expansion…"
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Mercy Hospital - School of Nursing - Page 3 of 3
"… Sister Gloria LeVasseur “enjoyed the operating room experience she received at Madigan” when asking permission to attend summer workshops."
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Scarborough: They Called It Owascoag - Historical Overview - Page 3 of 4
"Service operations and flying schools operated at Port-of-Maine until the 1960s. Danish Village, Scarborough, ca."
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Life on a Tidal River - Bangor: Healthcare Center of Eastern and Central Maine - Page 1 of 2
"The original building was fairly small for a hospital and it is unbelievable to see how substantially it has grown into a major operation."
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Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - The Old Ell is Born
"… built the first Asticou Inn in 1883 (a 40-room hotel with only one bathroom, which was located approximately where the current Asticou Inn is…"
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Maine's Swedish Colony, July 23, 1870 - Eureka Hall, Stockholm
"It still has two bowling lanes in the back room. They are not working, but lanes are still there. They are open Thursday to Sunday and is the best…"
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Mercy Hospital - Growth & Expansion - Page 1 of 2
"… (what today would be called an Emergency Room), although it would not be open on a 24-hour basis until 1964."
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Maine's Swedish Colony, July 23, 1870 - Architecture
"… ground floor had four windows, a 16’ X 18’ front room (which contained a Hampden cook stove), a 10’ X 10’ bedroom, and an 8’ X 10’ pantry."
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Lubec, Maine - McCurdy Herring Smokehouse - Page 3 of 4
"Working in the brining room Frank Van Riper, photo. X Step two: Brining As were herring were put in the tanks, more salt and water was added…"
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Mercy Hospital - Growth & Expansion - Page 2 of 2
"… 12,000 outpatients, treated 7,000 Emergency Room visits, and over 4,000 clinic visits. Staff performed over 4,000 surgical procedures."
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - Ice Cutting and Ice Houses on the Bombahook
"Many ice houses had a small, entry room lit by a small window and an insulated room, connected by air ducts to the ice storage space for storing…"
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Historic Hallowell - Ice Cutting and Ice Houses on the Bombahook
"Many ice houses had a small, entry room lit by a small window and an insulated room, connected by air ducts to the ice storage space for storing…"
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Highlighting Historical Hampden - Expansion
"Many Hampden women worked in the mill’s rag room. In 1840 another Hampden mill, the Norton Paper Mill, began operation using machinery to make paper…"
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Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Rustication
"… on the island outside of Bar Harbor, with 35 rooms on three upper floors and a series of public rooms and kitchens on the ground floor."
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Life on a Tidal River - Bangor: Healthcare Center of Eastern and Central Maine - Page 2 of 2
"St. Joseph Hospital operating room, Bangor, ca. 1960St. Joseph Healthcare Plans for the new facility started to arise in early 1960 and completed…"
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Lincoln, Maine - Other Early Hospitals
"… they added an addition that held a new operating room with new equipment, X-Ray treatment room, incubator, kitchen, and laboratory."