Keywords: Organizations
- Historical Items (1282)
- Tax Records (0)
- Architecture & Landscape (11)
- Online Exhibits (128)
- Site Pages (360)
- My Maine Stories (42)
- Lesson Plans (3)
Site Pages
These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.
Site Page
Early Maine Photography - MHS Early Maine Photography Collections
"1900Maine Historical Society Such methods for organizing photographs was thought to provide browsing capability and improved access, and while…"
Site Page
Early Maine Photography - Early Maine Photography at Maine Historical Society
"Organized into collections based on medium, provenance, location and/or other criteria, the organizational structure of these collections documents…"
Site Page
Maine's Road to Statehood - After the War: The First Victory for Separationists
"… movement, anti-separationists spent the summer organizing, and on Election Day in September they showed up by the thousands to cast their votes."
Site Page
Maine's Road to Statehood - The Missouri Compromise: A Moral Dilemma
"… an initial pushback by leading abolitionists and organizers in Maine, most statesmen decided that immediate independence was more important than…"
Site Page
Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Kennebec Proprietors Biographies
"This group of wealthy, well connected merchants organized as “The Proprietors of the Kennebeck Purchase from the late Colony of New-Plymouth,” The…"
Site Page
Farmington: Franklin County's Shiretown - John Frank Stevens
"… himself in almost all phases of the work from organizing, locating, constructing, and surveying it."
Site Page
Highlighting Historical Hampden - John Crosby
"Later on, the Congregational Society organized its own church with a covenant signed by John Crosby and nine others."
Site Page
Lubec, Maine - The Lighthouse at West Quoddy Head
"Images from the organization's collection Lighthouse, Sail Rock offshore X It stands tall and straight, despite its advanced age, beaconing…"
Site Page
Scarborough: They Called It Owascoag - A Look Inside the Classroom Over Time - Page 2 of 4
"… council, 4-H, a hobby club, a junior Red Cross organization, and a French Club. Many clubs competed and won awards."
Site Page
New Portland: Bridging the Past to the Future - North New Portland Village
"There were several musical organizations, the first group of organized musicians that is recorded was in the late 1800s."
Site Page
View collections, facts, and contact information for this Contributing Partner.
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Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Basketball: From Rivals to Teammates
"Basketball caught on quickly, and by 1908 Bar Harbor High School had an organized team which played at the Y’s gym against local teams."
Site Page
Islesboro--An Island in Penobscot Bay - Businesses and Cottage Industries
"This organization subdivided and brokered much of the Dark Harbor property to wealthy summer residents and promoted the island's summer resort…"
Site Page
Scarborough Historical Society & Museum
View collections, facts, and contact information for this Contributing Partner.
Site Page
Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Building Community and Commerce
"But the first religious organization on the island was not formed until 1792, when 15 men and women met in Southwest Harbor to form the…"
Site Page
Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - The Champlain Society - Page 2 of 2
"It was this organization which acquired the first landholdings that eventually became Acadia National Park."
Site Page
Farmington: Franklin County's Shiretown - Maps
"… Tannery Sites Farmington Historical Sites for Organized Sports Historic Maps Overlayed in Google Earth: A feature of GIS software is the ability…"
Site Page
Highlighting Historical Hampden - Expansion
"… boasts the first Masonic Lodge in the vicinity, organized under the name “Rising Virtue” and held at the home of Jesse Libby in October, 1802, but…"
Site Page
Lubec, Maine - Parade, Pins and Pageantry, 1911
"… Grand Army of the Republican, was a fraternal organization of union Civil War veterans. The youngest would have been 60 in 1911, assuming a 14 year…"
Site Page
Islesboro--An Island in Penobscot Bay - Summer Resorts
"In addition, year-round organizations including Islesboro Island Trust, Boardman Cottage, Islesboro Sporting Club, the newly renovated Islesboro…"
Site Page
Islesboro--An Island in Penobscot Bay - About Us
"… items contributed by over 200 historical organizations around Maine; nearly 100 online exhibits that explore a diverse range of themes and topics…"
Site Page
Biddeford History & Heritage Project - RESOURCES
"… of the Abenaki in Western Maine: Political organizations and ethnocentric assumptions." American Indian Quarterly 17.2 (1993): 193-208."
Site Page
Blue Hill, Maine - Discover the Story of Blue Hill - Page 3 of 4
"F.B. Richards and Dr. Raymond Bliss determined to organize a hospital for the care of patients in Blue Hill."
Site Page
Guilford, Maine - BUILDINGS - Page 2 of 5
"… The Guilford Fire Station was first built and organized in 1893. It was built by Dan Cimpher, and Alfred Hammford."