Keywords: Potatoes
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Site Pages
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Presque Isle: The Star City - Lockheed 10A, Presque Isle, 1940
"Lockheed 10A, Presque Isle, 1940 Contributed by Presque Isle Air Museum Description A Lockheed 10-A "Electra" of the Boston-Maine Airways…"
Site Page
Presque Isle: The Star City - John Mooney, Presque Isle, ca. 1910
"John Mooney, Presque Isle, ca. 1910 Contributed by Presque Isle Historical Society Description Photograph shows five men on a sleigh."
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Presque Isle: The Star City - Bangor and Aroostook GP-38, Presque Isle, 1991
"Bangor and Aroostook GP-38, Presque Isle, 1991 Contributed by Oakfield Historical Society Description Bangor and Aroostook Railroad's…"
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Presque Isle: The Star City - Northeast Airlines DC-3, Presque Isle, ca. 1945
"Northeast Airlines DC-3, Presque Isle, ca. 1945 Contributed by Presque Isle Air Museum Description A Northeast Airlines DC-3 is parked at…"
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Presque Isle: The Star City - Main Street, Presque Isle, ca. 1907
"Main Street, Presque Isle, ca. 1907 Contributed by Maine Historical Society Description Postcard of Main Street in winter, Presque Isle…"
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Presque Isle: The Star City - Delivery of generators, Presque Isle, 1959
"Delivery of generators, Presque Isle, 1959 Contributed by Oakfield Historical Society Description The Bangor and Aroostook Railroad…"
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Presque Isle: The Star City - Bangor and Aroostook Railroad Bus Service, Presque Isle, 1957
"Bangor and Aroostook Railroad Bus Service, Presque Isle, 1957 Contributed by Oakfield Historical Society Description In 1957, Bangor and…"
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"Bangor and Aroostook Railroad Train Crossing the Aroostook River Bridge, Presque Isle, c. 1990 Contributed by Oakfield Historical Society…"
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Presque Isle: The Star City - Aroostook Valley Railroad Trestle, ca. 1910
"Aroostook Valley Railroad Trestle, ca. 1910 Contributed by Presque Isle Historical Society Description This photo shows the Aroostook…"
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Presque Isle: The Star City - Train Depot, Presque Isle, ca. 1955
"Train Depot, Presque Isle, ca. 1955 Contributed by Oakfield Historical Society Description The north bound Bangor and Aroostook diesel…"
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Presque Isle: The Star City - Balloon liftoff memorial, Presque Isle, 1981
"Balloon liftoff memorial, Presque Isle, 1981 Contributed by Maine Historical Society Description Governor Joseph Brennan signed the guest…"
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Maine's Swedish Colony, July 23, 1870 - Agricultural Statistics of the Colony, 1870 to 1880
"… 1871 wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, beans, and potatoes - 166 acres planted apples - 19 trees 1873 grass - 400 acres horses - 22 oxen - 14…"
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Island Falls Historical Society
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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Holiday Events
"Potato races, Swan's Island, ca. 1950Swan's Island Historical Society Swan Islander’s would gather in Swan’s Village to participate in 4th of July…"
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Historic Hallowell - Poor Farm
"… the past season 50 tons of hay, 175 bushels of potatoes 140 bushels of apples, 175 bushels oats and barley, quite an amount of corn, beans, &c…"
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Farmington: Franklin County's Shiretown - 1840 U.S. Census Questions
"… 1839? Barley? Oats? Rye? Indian corn? Buck wheat? Potatoes? 5. How many pounds of wool? Hops? Wax? 6. How many tons of hay? Hemp? Flax? 7."
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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Minturn Schoolhouse
"… Marion Stinson recalls: "...we’d take a big potato and put it in a coffee can, you know how coffee used to come about that high in the cans? We’d…"
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John Martin: Expert Observer - First Baptist Church, Bangor, ca. 1850
"… in the journal that he went to the market to buy potatoes on July 9, 1864, and took a sheet of paper with him so he could sketch the church."
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Maine's Swedish Colony, July 23, 1870 - The Colony Continues to Grow, 1874 - 1900
"… Colony, and large amounts of wood products and potatoes were shipped off to new markets in the south."
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"… 17 barrels of pot ashes 1 pair of wheels lamb, potato, fish, bread, butter 15m 73 feet of boards 1/2 loaf of bread 1/2 bushel of potatoes 2 barrels…"
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Aroostook Historical and Art Museum
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"His potatoes and turnips had kept well and the settlers used the potatoes for seed that year. Other important facts are known about Stephen and his…"