Keywords: School Building
- Historical Items (1022)
- Tax Records (51)
- Architecture & Landscape (90)
- Online Exhibits (99)
- Site Pages (946)
- My Maine Stories (41)
- Lesson Plans (1)
Site Pages
These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - Protect and Serve - Hallowell Fire and Police
"… location on Winthrop Street to the old Town Hall building on Second Street where it exists today, making it one of the oldest continuously…"
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - History of The Cotton Mill
"In 1886, the building and company were handed over to Samuel R. Payson of Boston. In 1887, Payson changed the name to Kennebec River Mills."
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - The Tiger and the Lion
"… men were off at a muster when a fire started in a building. The women of the town hauled out the Tiger and used it to put out the fire, saving the…"
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - The Cyclone of 1895
"… inch square cotton mill roof timbers into nearby buildings. The other half happily awaited the end of this horrible storm. Mr."
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - Early Industry and Bombahook
"Captured logs and buildings on rafts belong to the Hallowell Steam and Boom Company. The Hallowell Cotton Mill can be seen in the background."
Site Page
"Unfortunately schools, businesses, transportation systems, and the government were disrupted by the ice storm."
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - Ice Harvesting on Cascade Pond
"… closed at Sheppard's my father purchased the buildings and all the inventory. The ice there lasted three years."
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - Industry at the Mouth of the Vaughan Stream
"Hill, supplied the money to build the automobile. George McClench, Frank McClench, and Charles L. Spauding were the builders of the first automobile…"
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - Hallowell Floods
"… for the bridge to hold because of the building pressure. The bridge gave way in different sections just a few short seconds after the other. The…"
Site Page
Maine's Swedish Colony, July 23, 1870 - Narrative History: Maine Swedish Colony
"Narrative History: Maine Swedish Colony New Sweden fields, ca. 1938New Sweden Historical Society Before the Swedes, there was the forest."
Site Page
Maine's Swedish Colony, July 23, 1870 - Industry
"Industry The presence of good water flow volume along the Madawaska Stream enabled Stockholm to become the industrial center of the Colony."
Site Page
Maine's Swedish Colony, July 23, 1870 - The First 51 Settlers
"The First 51 Settlers Mrs. Sara Bodin, Woodland, ca. 1880New Sweden Historical Society The First Settlers consisted of 22 men, 11 women, and…"
Site Page
Maine's Swedish Colony, July 23, 1870 - Olof Nylander, 1864-1943
"Olof Nylander, 1864-1943 Nylander & Baker X Olof Olson Nylander was born on the 14th of June in 1864 in Ysted, Sweden."
Site Page
Maine's Swedish Colony, July 23, 1870 - Mills and Homes in Stockholm
"Mills and Homes in Stockholm Collins Lumber Mill, Stockholm. c. 1940Stockholm Historical Society The town of Stockholm once was a booming town…"
Site Page
Maine's Swedish Colony, July 23, 1870 - Agricultural Statistics of the Colony, 1870 to 1880
"Agricultural Statistics of the Colony, 1870 to 1880 1870 rye, winter wheat - 20 acres planted 1871 wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, beans, and…"
Site Page
Maine's Swedish Colony, July 23, 1870 - Landeen Family History
"Landeen Family History Landeen Family, New Sweden, ca. 1890New Sweden Historical Society My great grandmother Annie came from Sweden when she…"
Site Page
Maine's Swedish Colony, July 23, 1870 - A Photo Essay of Hand Tools Found in the Swedish Colony
"A Photo Essay of Hand Tools Found in the Swedish Colony Click to view the photo essay Tools were a necessary part of every farmer's and…"
Site Page
Presque Isle: The Star City - People
"… lumbering and agriculture in the 1800s up to the present day, Presque Isle citizens have met challenges to build the community we have today."
Site Page
Presque Isle: The Star City - Soldiers marching in Presque Isle Memorial Day parade, 1944
"… corner of State and Main Streets in front of the A.M. Smith Building. View additional information about this item on the Maine Memory Network."
Site Page
Presque Isle: The Star City - Electric generator delivery, Presque Isle, 1959
"The Aroostook Trust Company building in the background is at the corner of Main Street and Chapman Road, Presque Isle."
Site Page
Islesboro--An Island in Penobscot Bay - Summer Resorts
"… at Historical Society, Islesboro Central School, Alice L. Pendleton Library and now the two markets, Durkees and Island Market, has opened the…"
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - Ice Storm Summary Notes
"Obviously most of the schools in New England were closed. People were trapped in their cars, cold and hungry."
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - Ice Cutting and Ice Houses on the Bombahook
"The small farm buildings, used to store ice through the summer, were recognized by their thick, insulated walls and few windows."
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - Ice Cutting and Ice Houses on the Bombahook
"The small farm buildings, used to store ice through the summer, were recognized by their thick, insulated walls and few windows."