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Keywords: Signed Tools

Site Pages

These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.

Site Page

Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Kids at the quarry

"They searched for signs of the once-busy industry, from iron spikes left in the granite to boilers that generated the steam power for the quarry…"

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Historic Hallowell - Dr. John Hubbard

"… Hubbard's most notable act as Governor was to sign the "Maine Law"-An Act for the Suppression of Drinking Houses and Tippling Shops-the state's…"

Site Page

Farmington: Franklin County's Shiretown - Maps

"This map shows the location of the eight signs, connects them in the intended order for the most efficient walking tour, and has photographs of the…"

Site Page

Historic Hallowell - Ice Harvesting on Cascade Pond ~ A Family Affair

"… winter farmers would come with their teams and sign on to haul ice. During the Depression, when times were real bad, I can remember all the people…"

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New Portland: Bridging the Past to the Future - East New Portland Village

"This petition was signed at East New Portland. He built the first framed house in town now owned by Richard and Lisa Emery."

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Pejepscot Historical Society

View collections, facts, and contact information for this Contributing Partner.

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Acadian Archives

View collections, facts, and contact information for this Contributing Partner.

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Lubec, Maine - Canning Sardines in Lubec: Technology, the Syndicate and Labor

"… barely dry on the non-compete agreements they had signed with the cartel, when they set up a company with eventually four canneries that provided…"

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Mantor Library, University of Maine Farmington

View collections, facts, and contact information for this Contributing Partner.