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Keywords: Solon

Site Pages

These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.

Site Page

John Martin: Expert Observer - Part 8, pages 135-150

"Blake Cornelius Driscoll Philadelphia Convention George W. Ladd President Johnson Annie Martin performance Solon Wilder Men smoking"

Site Page

John Martin: Expert Observer - Part 3, pages 38-56

"… Metcalf Nath Harlow nursery Apple tree Ada Martin Solon Wilder Egyptian Caravan Southern sentiments Yales Mammoth Tent Penobscot County Democratic…"

Site Page

John Martin: Expert Observer - Annie Martin as zephyr, Bangor, 1866

"… part of a group of 26 girls who participated in Solon Wilder's floral concert on Monday, July 2, 1866."

Site Page

John Martin: Expert Observer - Ada Martin gymnastic costume, Bangor, 1864

"… costume as she appeared in the performance at Solon Wilders Floral Concert at Norombega Hall in Bangor on July 9, 1864."

Site Page

Skowhegan Community History - The Skowhegan Island

"The factory, originally a spinning mill, is now Solon Woods where they make popsicle sticks and other small wood pieces."

Site Page

New Portland: Bridging the Past to the Future - New Portland Community Library

"… Atwood - 2015 - present *Dotty Carter, Carol Short, Lolly Phoenix, Paula Young, and Karen Handelsman from the Solon Library as a consultant."