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Keywords: Standing portraits

Site Pages

These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.

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John Martin: Expert Observer - Pendleton & Ross stand, Bangor, 1864

"Pendleton & Ross stand, Bangor, 1864 Contributed by Maine Historical Society and Maine State Museum Description John Martin (1823-1904) of…"

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Early Maine Photography - Human Interest

"… less formal and more creative in composing studio portraits. In an ambrotype, little Eleanor Bradley Peters proudly wears her large fur lined…"

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Early Maine Photography - Groups - Page 1 of 2

"… seems as much a collection of individual portraits as it does a group picture. The inscription on the reverse that “This picture is to be given to…"

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Early Maine Photography - Family Groups

"This three generation portrait places a grandmother at the center flanked by a mother and father. Two boys stand behind them and a third sits in…"

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Early Maine Photography - War - Page 2 of 2

"Friends at home, in return, send their portraits to the soldiers…Most of these are taken on the (tintype) plate for the reason that it is light…"

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Early Maine Photography - Landscape Photography - Page 1 of 2

"With its fine trim and side porch, the Alexander House stands in contrast to the stark simplicity of the brick Buck House."

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Early Maine Photography - Landscape Photography - Page 3 of 3

"… 1860 shows eleven members of the Bemis family standing adjacent to the store of merchant Hiram Hubbard."

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Early Maine Photography - Landscape Photography - Page 1 of 3

"Custom House. After standing only fifteen years, the Exchange burned on January 8, 1854. Shortly thereafter, Samuel L."

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John Martin: Expert Observer - Elmer Ellsworth Martin, Bangor, 1865

"he has no fear. will stand on a table and jump without scringing off on a hard floor will jump from the top of the shed about 8 feet his element is…"

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John Martin: Expert Observer - Bangor Quartette Club, 1849

"… first collars were turn down all uniform but a stand up dickey came in fashion and they made their debut on them at the Town house Hampden which…"

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John Martin: Expert Observer - Republican Wigwam, Bangor, 1872

"… for campaign purposes to hold 1,200 people, standing. The illustration, which includes the headquarters of the Young Mens Grant & Wilson Club and…"

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John Martin: Expert Observer - Gravenstein apple, Bangor, 1866

"… he wrote, "I trimmed this tree in 1865 so I could stand under the branches which threw the strength to the sap in the top & made it bear…"

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John Martin: Expert Observer - "Representing every particular:" John Martin's Reflections, Illustrations, and Commentary - Page 2 of 2

"… offered insights into many businesses, several stand out. The first is his own store, which he opened sometime just before or during the Civil War."

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Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Kennebec Proprietors Biographies

"… and several of his family members had their portraits painted by Famed artist John Singleton Copley, who perhaps uncoincidentally was allegedly…"

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Lubec, Maine - Lubec's 1911 Centennial Celebration - Page 2 of 2

"… on the photo and zoom in to view the outsized portraits of Maine Governor Plaisted, left, and the late Maine elder statesman James G. Blaine."

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Farmington: Franklin County's Shiretown - Early Settlers

"A portrait of Henry recently came to the Historical Society. We can only wonder if he and Daniel looked similar."

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Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum and Arctic Studies Center

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