Keywords: Summer residences
- Historical Items (253)
- Tax Records (41)
- Architecture & Landscape (11)
- Online Exhibits (67)
- Site Pages (100)
- My Maine Stories (12)
- Lesson Plans (0)
Site Pages
These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.
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Highlighting Historical Hampden - Summer Street
"The residences of Summer Street reflect Hampden’s 19th century wealth, for Hampden was a place of increasing industrialization."
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Islesboro--An Island in Penobscot Bay - Summer Resorts
"The Dark Harbor summer residents enjoyed the pleasures of the Tarratine Club, offering golf in the 1890s, yachting in the 1920s and tennis in the…"
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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Summer Pleasures
"Those whose livelihood was on the water and summer residents alike enjoyed a picnic at the beach or a ride in a boat."
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John Martin: Expert Observer - Primary and intermediate school, Bangor, 1865
"He wrote that the school was built in the summer of 1855 after residents of the area repeatedly petitioned for a school in the neighborhood."
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Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - MDI and the Fire of 1947
"The Depression had taken its toll and many of the summer homes were never rebuilt. Remnants of these early homes can still be seen near Bar Harbor."
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John Martin: Expert Observer - John Martin's cart, Hampden, ca. 1833
"… On page 73 of the journal, he wrote, "During this summer I became a quite a mechanic I made me a cart with hub and spoke wheels and the idea…"
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John Martin: Expert Observer - First balloon ascension, Bangor, 1857
"1, 1857, thousands gathered on the circus grounds Summer Street in Bangor to watch the ascension of a yellow silk balloon named "Young America." It…"
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Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Economy on Mt. Desert Island
"Many of the summer residents did not fare as well and lost their fortunes and were no longer able to maintain the lifestyle that had become so well…"
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Blue Hill, Maine - Discover the Story of Blue Hill - Page 3 of 4
"… Blue Hill history, Head of the Bay, listed 135 summer residents’ houses, most of them on the shore between the Neck in South Blue Hill and Morgan…"
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Blue Hill, Maine - In Search of the Rustic Life
"The hospitality of Blue Hill’s year-round summer residents made the new residents feel welcome. Rusticators were primarily from Boston, New York…"
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"… community of middle age, wealthy retired summer visitors. Many of these "guests" stayed for a month or more and brought along their ladies’ maids…"
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Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Postscript: More Moving Buildings
"Savage in the late 1800s as a summer rental cottage and located farther inland, north along Rye Field Lane on or near the present-day site of the Old…"
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Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - The Founding of Acadia National Park
"Dorr and summer residents Charles Eliot and John D. Rockefeller Jr., an organization was formed to acquire Mount Desert land."
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Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Bar Harbor: Building of Arts
"As the Depression left its mark on the summer residents the Building of Art fell into disuse. In January 1943 the building was sold to E.D and…"
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Blue Hill, Maine - Welcome to the town of Blue Hill!
"… fishermen, merchants, educators, artists, summer residents, and retirees have come to call Blue Hill their home."
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Blue Hill, Maine - Discover the Story of Blue Hill - Page 4 of 4
"Summer residents were one of the biggest employers in town in the early part of the Century. A few mills still operated along Mill Stream in the…"
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Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Cottagers
"… greater luxury and privacy and built their own summer “cottages.” By 1890, the cottage-building boom had transformed Bar Harbor."
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Surry by the Bay - Late Twentieth Century
"“Summer people” in Surry and in Blue Hill provided seasonal employment to a number of Surry people as well."
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Islesboro--An Island in Penobscot Bay - Businesses and Cottage Industries
"… for erecting the large summer homes for wealthy summer residents, who spent two to three months here."
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"Often, island homes were purchased by summer residents as people left for the mainland to seek work."
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Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Northeast Harbor: Rustic to Rusticators
"Desert, though it had been the summer residence of Native Americans for generations and had been given the name "Pemetic" by them."
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