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Site Pages

These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.

Site Page

Lubec, Maine - Lubec History

"Multhopp, Jennifer, “They Called Us Herring Chokers”, Memories of Maine, July 2007. O’Leary, Wayne M., Maine Sea Fisheries: The Rise and Fall of a…"

Site Page

Cumberland & North Yarmouth - "Main Streets" of North Yarmouth and Cumberland

"… ago, and its approach on a dirt road reminds us of what our old roads once looked like. Around 1853 a general store was established in the village…"

Site Page

Farmington: Franklin County's Shiretown - Education

"Butler’s History of Farmington tells us that even before the town was incorporated, Lemuel Perham Jr. taught school in town."

Site Page

Acadian Archives

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Mantor Library, University of Maine Farmington

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