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Keywords: United Society of Shakers

Site Pages

These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.

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Biddeford History & Heritage Project - VII. Flow and ebb: the effects of industrial peak & global upheaval (1900-1955) - Page 1 of 3

"It was the largest city in York County, and one of the largest cities in Maine. In the streets people spoke mostly English and French, but you could…"

Site Page

Biddeford History & Heritage Project - VII. Flow and ebb: the effects of industrial peak & global upheaval (1900-1955) - Page 2 of 3

"… spirit in Biddeford was to thank for most of the longest-lived social institutions of the City, including the Webber Hospital (Southern Maine…"

Site Page

Biddeford History & Heritage Project - VIII. Changing course and new beginnings (1955-Present) - Page 2 of 2

"The tradition of Biddeford as a place of possibility for those seeking a better life for themselves and their families has been renewed, manifested…"

Site Page

Biddeford History & Heritage Project - VIII. Changing course and new beginnings (1955-Present) - Page 1 of 2

"The expansion and conglomeration of all of the major manufactures in Biddeford and Saco: the Saco-Lowell Shops, York (Bates) Manufacturing, and…"

Site Page

Biddeford History & Heritage Project - The Civil War/Reconstruction Era as Experienced in Biddeford & Saco - Page 11 of 17

"By October of 1862, more than half of all able-bodied men were in the armed services. By the end of the war, 924 men had served the Union."

Site Page

Biddeford History & Heritage Project - The Civil War/Reconstruction Era as Experienced in Biddeford & Saco - Page 10 of 17

"… attack on Fort Sumter, the Union and Journal, out of Biddeford, tracked the secession of Southern states."

Site Page

Biddeford History & Heritage Project - The Civil War/Reconstruction Era as Experienced in Biddeford & Saco - Page 5 of 17

"… as Experienced in Biddeford & Saco Plan of Lands of Saco Water Power Co. at Saco & Biddeford, 1848Dyer Library/Saco Museum The cotton…"

Site Page

Biddeford History & Heritage Project - The Civil War/Reconstruction Era as Experienced in Biddeford & Saco - Page 9 of 17

"1909McArthur Public Library With the rise of industry in Biddeford during the 1860s, thousands of French Canadian, Irish, and some west European…"

Site Page

Biddeford History & Heritage Project - The Civil War/Reconstruction Era as Experienced in Biddeford & Saco - Page 12 of 17

"By the end of 1861, Biddeford and Saco citizens were a part of almost all Maine regiments participating in the Civil War."

Site Page

Biddeford History & Heritage Project - The Civil War/Reconstruction Era as Experienced in Biddeford & Saco - Page 4 of 17

"… granite and slate cutting was a crucial part of their economy and even helped support the build of the Western Railroad in 1872."

Site Page

Biddeford History & Heritage Project - The Civil War/Reconstruction Era as Experienced in Biddeford & Saco - Page 17 of 17

"But truth struck the family members and friends of those who would not return home. By the year 1866, the majority of Biddeford were mourning loved…"

Site Page

Biddeford History & Heritage Project - The Civil War/Reconstruction Era as Experienced in Biddeford & Saco - Page 14 of 17

"… & Saco During the Civil War, the State of Maine provided aid to the families of soldiers. In 1862, 257 families were supported."

Site Page

Biddeford History & Heritage Project - The Civil War/Reconstruction Era as Experienced in Biddeford & Saco - Page 7 of 17

"The Laconia Mills were one of the earliest established textile mills on the Biddeford side of the Saco River."

Site Page

Biddeford History & Heritage Project - The Civil War/Reconstruction Era as Experienced in Biddeford & Saco - Page 3 of 17

"Ice was the primary way of preserving food until freon refrigeration was created in the early 1900s."

Site Page

Biddeford History & Heritage Project - The Civil War/Reconstruction Era as Experienced in Biddeford & Saco - Page 1 of 17

"Pandora University of Southern Maine Biddeford and Saco were up-and-coming areas when the Civil War struck."

Site Page

Biddeford History & Heritage Project - The Civil War/Reconstruction Era as Experienced in Biddeford & Saco - Page 8 of 17

"The Saco River Driving Company served as the wood operation and river driving subsidiary of J. G. Deering & Son."

Site Page

Biddeford History & Heritage Project - The Civil War/Reconstruction Era as Experienced in Biddeford & Saco - Page 2 of 17

"1880Maine Historical Society During the Civil War, Maine laborers worked in logging, milling, papermaking, built ships, fished, and processed fish…"

Site Page

Biddeford History & Heritage Project - Shipbuilding in Biddeford: Lore, Leaders, and Legacy

"… goods, wares and merchandises imported into the United States” led to the creation of the “District of Biddeford and Pepperelborough, as one port”…"

Site Page

Biddeford History & Heritage Project - The Civil War & Biddeford

"… land, and the smiles of Heaven rest again upon a united people." -Mayor John Q. Adams, in the 1863-64 City Report These words were spoken by Mayor…"

Site Page

Biddeford History & Heritage Project - "Good the more communicated, the more abundant grows" : The Thursday Club

"… knowledge, the training of power; and the working of a spirit of human solidarity, a comprehension of the continuity of life: its universal…"

Site Page

Biddeford History & Heritage Project - ABOUT US

"… Historical Society The Biddeford Historical Society was chartered by the City of Biddeford to collect and preserve the history of Biddeford in one…"

Site Page

Biddeford History & Heritage Project - IV. Engulfed by nationalism: Revolutionary Biddeford

"1800Maine Historical Society Professionals were drawn to the bustling town, and doctors and lawyers opened up successful, busy practices."

Site Page

Biddeford History & Heritage Project - The MCHP Experience: In Our Own Words

"… work with Raymond from the Biddeford Historical Society and hearing his incredible stories of the city's history." -Brooke Faulkner, Young Adult…"

Site Page

Biddeford History & Heritage Project - HISTORY

"… is the Saco River, which snakes along the length of the city until it is split by a number of islands and falls, after which it spreads out and…"