Keywords: War rations
- Historical Items (32)
- Tax Records (0)
- Architecture & Landscape (0)
- Online Exhibits (10)
- Site Pages (24)
- My Maine Stories (3)
- Lesson Plans (0)
Site Pages
These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.
Site Page
Life on a Tidal River - The War Effort
"Prices for food ranged from one ration point to twenty two points - everything was rationed, even gas."
Site Page
Life on a Tidal River - Three Civil War Letters - Page 2 of 4
"McClellan has issued an order to stop the Rations of Bacon and give out Potatoes – Onions and Dried Apple instead."
Site Page
Surry by the Bay - Early Twentieth Century
"By the end of World War II, the woods and fields of Surry were free of these polluting items. When the war ended in August 1945, there was little…"
Site Page
Surry by the Bay - Phebe Fowler: A Woman of Property
"… Phebe’s junior, Olin became a distinguished Civil War soldier and ended the war six years later as a lieutenant in the South leading…"
Site Page
Surry by the Bay - Nineteenth Century
"The Civil War With an 1860 population of 1319 (the highest it had ever been), Surry sent 122 men into the Civil War which significantly impacted the…"
Site Page
Surry by the Bay - Surry Opera Company
"… the threat of nuclear holocaust during the Cold War, the Surry Opera Company continued through the 1990s bringing together people from across the…"
Site Page
Surry by the Bay - Broadway by the Bay
"It went dark for seven years until after the war when a new patron gave it new life under a new producer Charles O."
Site Page
Surry by the Bay - Sawmills of Cunningham Ridge
"… saw mill remained in operation until before World War II. Over the years it produced lumber, barrel staves, and fish boxes."
Site Page
Surry by the Bay - History of Surry
"Incorporation After the Revolutionary War, deeds and titles were still not clear, so the Commonwealth of Massachusetts had to straighten things out."
Site Page
Surry by the Bay - Early Settlement
"… was not prominently involved in the Revolutionary War. Benjamin Milliken was the only Loyalist on record from Surry."
Site Page
"Resources BOOKS Bonsey, Osmond C. Surry, Maine: An informal History, Surry Historical Society, 2003. Jellison, Connee."
Site Page
Surry by the Bay - Surry Today
"Surry Today Home to about 1,300 residents, Surry today is a vibrant town boasting an active, creative, and diverse citizenry, many of whom are…"
Site Page
Surry by the Bay - Weathervane Dispute
"Weathervane Dispute New Surry Grammar School, 1952Surry Historical Society Text by Lynn Bonsey Images contributed by Surry Historical Society…"
Site Page
"Welcome Come to SurrySurry Historical Society Welcome to the Hancock County coastal community of Surry."
Site Page
Surry by the Bay - Late Twentieth Century
"Late Twentieth Century Scenic view of Patten Bay, Surry, ca. 1960Surry Historical Society Changes By 1950, Surry's population had dropped to…"
Site Page
Surry by the Bay - Surry Village School
"Surry Village School Text by Lynn Bonsey, with sections adapted from Surry, Maine: An informal History by Osmond C."
Site Page
Surry by the Bay - About The Project
"About The Project Our team is comprised of Surry Elementary School, the Surry Historical Society, and several Surry residents."
Site Page
Historic Clothing Collection - 1940-1950 - Page 1 of 3
"Clothing was not rationed as it was in Britain, but the War Production Board (WPB) issued order L-85 in March 1942 to regulate the amount of fabric…"
Site Page
Life on a Tidal River - Bangor During the 1940s
"By 1942, what was once Bangor Municipal Airport became Dow Air Force Base through which thousands of soldiers passed. During the war, flights…"
Site Page
Life on a Tidal River - Fashion of the '40s
"… war effort, the public considered these fashion rations to be just another way they could help win the war."
Site Page
Architecture & Landscape database - Gridley Barrows
"My sense is that as a designer he was deliberate, rational, and precise. His buildings - those that I know of - reflect those qualities."
Site Page
Scarborough: They Called It Owascoag - Historical Overview - Page 3 of 4
"… court with the advent of World War II and gas rationing, and the Government converted the units to housing for South Portland shipyard workers."
Site Page
Blue Hill, Maine - Discover the Story of Blue Hill - Page 2 of 4
"… like sailors of the time, were fueled by a daily ration of grog, served at eleven o’clock. Annie Clough remembered that her father, as a boy…"
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