Search Results

Keywords: Young

Site Pages

These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.

Site Page

Cumberland & North Yarmouth - Representative Industries of Cumberland and North Yarmouth

"… seasonal employment for many of the town’s young people. Growing carnationsPrince Memorial Library The Carnation Industry In 1888, Chase…"

Site Page

Surry by the Bay - Nineteenth Century

"Regardless of how proficient a young father was with an axe, adze or saw, he did not receive 75 cents a day (apprentices received fifty cents) per…"

Site Page

Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - III. Boom, bustle, bust: The Steamboat Years to WWII

"World War II further quieted the island as young and old left; either voluntarily to join the war effort or by necessity to seek work on the mainland."

Site Page

Western Maine Foothills Region - Rumford High School Basketball - 1970s - Page 1 of 2

"… of the 70’s were fortunate to be coached by a young and enthusiastic coach like John Shaw, but there were other coaches who helped along the way."

Site Page

Western Maine Foothills Region - For The Love Of Paper - Page 1 of 4

"… result of the entrepreneurship and foresight of a young man thrust into supporting his mother and siblings at the early age of thirteen, upon the…"

Site Page

John Martin: Expert Observer - "Representing every particular:" John Martin's Reflections, Illustrations, and Commentary - Page 2 of 2

"… the Hampden House, an inn and bar, for which young Martin had many responsibilities. After several other jobs, including butchering and selling…"

Site Page

Malaga Island: a story best left untold - Explore photos from the "Malaga Island: A Story Best Left Untold" documentary

"He came upon a young boy and told him to tell the others to come out or he would send more people to the Maine School for the Feeble Minded."

Site Page

Presque Isle: The Star City - History of Presque Isle

"… was robbing the southern part of the state of its young men; he hoped that by espousing the wonders of the County, young Maine men would go to the…"

Site Page

Life on a Tidal River - Narrative

"In 1867, the Young Men's Christian Association was organized. The Bangor Children's Home was dedicated in 1869 and the Bangor Art Association…"

Site Page

Islesboro--An Island in Penobscot Bay - Businesses and Cottage Industries

"… and a continuing industry conducted by several young and able island men, but the future of this endeavor has become seriously threatened by the…"

Site Page

Islesboro--An Island in Penobscot Bay - Early Settlements

"Its young residents attended the Parker School. Although road signs to Pripet still exist, no one knows the actual boundaries or how it got it’s name."

Site Page

Life on a Tidal River - William S. Cohen, The Man and the School

"Web. 11 Apr 2013. Young, Susan. "Hailing a native son Bangor to rename middle school after Cohen." Bangor Daily News. 9 Dec 1997. Web."

Site Page

Lincoln, Maine - Gordon's Fox Farms

"When a mother fox didn’t take care of her young and a cat on the farm just had a litter, the owners would kill all but one of the kittens."

Site Page

Lincoln, Maine - Other Early Hospitals

"This two-story hospital housed the sick, young and old. Thelma decided to open a hospital in 1932 while working as a nurse in a nursing home."

Site Page

Cumberland & North Yarmouth - Our Shared History - Page 3 of 4

"… that provided seasonal employment for many local young people. Apples were, and continue to be, an important piece of the agricultural heritage of…"

Site Page

Cumberland & North Yarmouth - Skyline Farm - Making and Preserving History

"… home in Falmouth, he was fortunate in finding a young couple, Dick and Dolly Wilbur, to make Skyline their home."

Site Page

Blue Hill, Maine - Educating Blue Hill

"… been very concerned with the education of their young people. Before Maine had even attained its 1820 statehood, education in Blue Hill was growing."

Site Page

St. Croix Historical Society

View collections, facts, and contact information for this Contributing Partner.

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Skowhegan Community History - A Brief History of the Skowhegan Area

"Two young boys aged 12 and 16 remained all of that winter alone in the small dwelling. They trapped and hunted in order to survive and were much…"

Site Page

Farmington: Franklin County's Shiretown - Early Settlers

"… in the front row with her then-husband, George Young. And the little man standing directly behind Madame Nordica was Arbo Norton, a successful…"

Site Page

New Portland: Bridging the Past to the Future - North New Portland Village

"Willard School Teacher J.G. Young Painter Wm. Bentlett Justice of the Peace Wm. Jacobs Carder & Clothier J.W."

Site Page

Cumberland & North Yarmouth - Brothers of the Civil War

"… member was needed to keep the farm running, and young men, whether they belonged to the family or worked as hired hands, were especially important."

Site Page

Farmington: Franklin County's Shiretown - Railroad into the Village

"The wound was dressed by Drs. Blake and Linscott. Young C. is a poor man and has been in the States but a few weeks; has a wife and five children in…"

Site Page

Farmington: Franklin County's Shiretown - Brief History

"… that backcountry lands were free for the taking”, young men and soldiers disenfranchised after the revolution began looking for areas to settle."