Keywords: mariner
- Historical Items (676)
- Tax Records (13)
- Architecture & Landscape (5)
- Online Exhibits (39)
- Site Pages (33)
- My Maine Stories (15)
- Lesson Plans (0)
Site Pages
These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.
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Lincoln, Maine - William Kelly, Lincoln, 1943
"He served in the Marine Corps from 1942-1945. He was stationed in the Pacific and served at the Battle of Guadalcanal."
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Historic Hallowell - Eastern Illustrating Company
"… Cassens from the collection of the Penobscot Marine Museum X In 1909, R. Herman Cassens, a young entrepreneur, started a postcard company, the…"
Site Page
Western Maine Foothills Region - A Man's Life in a Suitcase
"John joined the Marine Corps Reserve in 1943 after graduating from Mexico High School. He was in the initial assault on Peleliu Island, where he was…"
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Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Twentieth-Century Community Life
"Mariners could continue as yacht captains. Indeed, some islanders even took up sailing for their own pleasure."
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - Hallowell History Bibliography
"Bath, ME.: Marine Research Society of Bath, 1973. "Seaport on the Kennebec" Vol. 1, page 120 Brooks, Van Wyck."
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Mercy Hospital - Portland Hospitals Before Mercy
"Sailors had access to the U.S. Marine Hospital, the mentally ill could go to the State Asylum for the Insane in Augusta, and the poor could receive…"
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Early Maine Photography - Occupational Photography
"… pre Civil War shipbuilding industry and the many mariners who resided there. George Allen Soule, Yarmouth, ca."
Site Page
Scarborough: They Called It Owascoag - Catch of the Day: Clamming and Lobstering - Page 4 of 4
"The Maine Department of Marine Resources manages lobster fishing within a three-mile boundary of the coast, working closely with the Atlantic States…"
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Lubec, Maine - Klondike: Lubec's Gold from Sea Water Hoax
"… Creek, later converting it to the Electrolytic Marine Salts Company. Photo donated by Margaret Bailey."
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Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Third Generation and Beyond
"Perhaps to a mariner such as A.C. Savage his houses and outbuildings were considered another form of vessel like his schooners, and it did not seem…"
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Highlighting Historical Hampden - Introduction
"… the Hampden Historical Society and the Penobscot Marine Museum Upper Corner businesses, Hampden, circa 1904Hampden Historical Society Have…"
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Early Maine Photography - Landscape Photography - Page 2 of 3
"… in the center was built for the Maine Fire and Marine Insurance Company in 1803-04 from plans by Alexander Parris."
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Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - The Champlain Society - Page 1 of 2
"They each had scientific “specialties,” such as marine invertebrates, meteorology, ichthyology, botany, ornithology, and geology."
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Guilford, Maine - Veterans Tributes - Page 1 of 2
"… answered the call to duty and enlisted in the US Marine Corps. After his training as a combat rifleman he was sent to the South Pacific and took…"
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Scarborough: They Called It Owascoag - People Who Called Scarborough Home - Page 4 of 4
"… Homer, landscape painter best known for his marine subjects, was born in Boston 24 February 1836 to Charles Savage Homer and Henrietta Benson…"
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Islesboro--An Island in Penobscot Bay - Our Resources
"… 04841, 594.9209 Penobscot Marine Museum, PO Box 498, 5 Church Street, Searsport, ME 04974, 548.2529…"
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Scarborough: They Called It Owascoag - Scarborough Marsh: "Land of Much Grass" - Page 1 of 4
"Various organisms, plant life and marine animals were attracted to the resulting mudflats and seed from salt-tolerant grasses took root and began to…"
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"Loring Kimball’s father’s fascinating old marine store, near the cove at the South of the present wharf, smelling of all tarry seafaring things…”…"
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Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - The Champlain Society - Page 2 of 2
"… in the area collecting plants and insects and marine invertebrates and inspecting geology in the late nineteenth century, but the Champlain…"
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Historic Hallowell - Shipbuilding
"… associated with the University of Maine's Darling Marine Center in Bristol, believes it is a "blank"."
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Biddeford History & Heritage Project - RESOURCES
"Merchant Sail. Center Lovell, Me.: Fairburn Marine Educational Foundation, 1955. (S) Flagg, James Montgomery. Roses and buckshot. New York: G.P."