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Keywords: one room schoolhouses

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These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Minturn Schoolhouse

"Minturn Schoolhouse Minturn Schoolhouse, Swan's Island, ca. 1930Swan's Island Historical Society The Minturn Schoolhouse was built in 1899…"

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Friendship Museum

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Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - Village Schools

"… remembered three special days in 1905 at the old schoolhouse; the picnic on the last day, Arbor Day, and a Friday afternoon when the primaries and…"

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Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - Early Schools

"Dist.# 2 - The schoolhouse was situated further north on the road to Farmington near the old Conant place, in the area now known as the south end of…"

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Lincoln, Maine - Lincoln Center school, ca. 1950

"… school was built in 1926 to replace an older one-room schoolhouse. The old school is still standing and is now the Lincoln Center Church of God."

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Haystack Historical Society

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Surry by the Bay - Surry Village School

"… electricity and stove jackets were placed in each room, and in 1940, chemical toilets were installed."

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Surry by the Bay - Surry Opera Company

"… citizens were not allowed to join them in their rooms. The connections made with people coming back stage would end up forming the basis of strong…"

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Otisfield Historical Society

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Bangor Public Library

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Lincoln, Maine - Lincoln Historical Society - Page 1 of 2

"There was a point in time when the schoolhouse was going to be demolished, but instead it was given to the Lincoln Historical Society."

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Blue Hill, Maine - Educating Blue Hill

"… Hill Public Library The Old Schoolhouse The Old Schoolhouse, also known as the village school, was the schoolhouse located in the heavily…"

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Cumberland Historical Society

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Western Maine Foothills Region - Peru

"… first public highway, to commemorate the first schoolhouse and townhouse erected in the township." Peru Center Ferry A horse and wagon are…"

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United Society of Shakers

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Cumberland & North Yarmouth - Our Shared History - Page 4 of 4

"… growth of our schools from church schools to one-room schoolhouses to community schools and finally to our joint Maine School Administrative…"

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Old York Historical Society

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Islesboro--An Island in Penobscot Bay - Schools

"… year, the high school had outgrown the one room and was moved next door to the second floor of the Town Hall, where it was to remain until 1954…"

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Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Rustication

"… factory, at least four mills, two shipyards, a schoolhouse, and a church. Somesville also had the island's first public house."

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Farmington: Franklin County's Shiretown - Education

"… area is fortunate that the only remaining one-room school did not succumb to time and a bulldozer."

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Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Economic History of Main Street, Northeast Harbor - Page 1 of 3

"… the doorway, and we kids would often run down from the schoolhouse at recess to buy one of those big sour cucumber pickles, a penny apiece.”"

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Lincoln, Maine - Lincoln Historical Society - Page 2 of 2

"… Society In 1996 the historic Little Red Schoolhouse was offered to the LHS if it could be moved from its location at the high school to land…"

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Guilford, Maine - Guilford Schools

"Guilford Center Schoolhouse, ca. 1895Guilford Historical Society The second school to appear in Guilford was built in 1818 in Guilford Center."

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Cumberland & North Yarmouth - Skyline Farm - Making and Preserving History

"… children went to the nearby Buxton School, a one room schoolhouse. Skyline Farm Ca. 1900North Yarmouth Historical Society In 1857 Jeremiah…"