Keywords: soldiers
- Historical Items (1197)
- Tax Records (0)
- Architecture & Landscape (1)
- Online Exhibits (81)
- Site Pages (138)
- My Maine Stories (25)
- Lesson Plans (1)
Site Pages
These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.
Site Page
Lincoln, Maine - Weatherbee Hardware Store window display, Lincoln, ca. 1943
"… This display shows pictures of World War II soldiers, medals and other memorabilia pertaining to World War II soldiers from the Lincoln area."
Site Page
John Martin: Expert Observer - Part 7, pages 114-134
"… on Soldiers" in which he described what Civil War soldiers wore and carried and how little prepared Mainers were to be soldiers in 1861."
Site Page
Thomaston: The Town that Went to Sea - Tillson Testimonial
"On July 21st Henry was among the soldiers at the first battle of Bull Run. Henry was among the soldiers killed when the Confederates drove the Unions…"
Site Page
Early Maine Photography - War - Page 2 of 2
"Wilson cites the widespread practice of soldiers being photographed by quoting Humphrey’s Journal for February, 1862: "The photographer accompanies…"
Site Page
Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - Student Research
"For example, because of the need for soldiers’ wool uniforms and blankets, Maine farmers raised more sheep."
Site Page
Thomaston: The Town that Went to Sea - P.H. Tilson Death Notice
"It gave information on soldiers of both sides, background information on the battle, and soldier casualties."
Site Page
Life on a Tidal River - Bangor and the Civil War Resources
"… And Sufferings of United States Officers and Soldiers While Prisoners of War in the Hands of the Rebel Authorities."
Site Page
John Martin: Expert Observer - Part 1, pages 000-26
"… railroad accident, Chicago 1849 Bangor accident Soldiers Monument, Mount Hope Monument dedication Bangor Cornet Band Jesse Freemont candidacy"
Site Page
John Martin: Expert Observer - Capt. L. J. Morse, Co. A, Maine State Guard, Bangor, 1864
"… which participated in the consecration of the Soldiers' Monument at Mount Hope Cemetery on June 17, 1864."
Site Page
Life on a Tidal River - Bangor During the 1940s
"By 1942, what was once Bangor Municipal Airport became Dow Air Force Base through which thousands of soldiers passed."
Site Page
"… State of Maine provided aid to the families of soldiers. In 1862, 257 families were supported. In 1863, 269 families were supported."
Site Page
John Martin: Expert Observer - Hampden Town House, 1849
"… in rear of the academy at the time the british soldiers were on the banks of the River ready for action when our Soldiers receivd orders that the…"
Site Page
Thomaston: The Town that Went to Sea - Tilson's Hat
"During the battle, the Confederates drove the Union soldiers off the field. Perez Henry Tilson was the first man to die from Thomaston in the Civil…"
Site Page
Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - Groups, Clubs & Organizations - Page 2 of 3
"The GAR helped establish soldiers' homes in sixteen states and orphanages in seven states by 1890. The soldiers' homes were later transferred to the…"
Site Page
"Resources BOOKS Bonsey, Osmond C. Surry, Maine: An informal History, Surry Historical Society, 2003. Jellison, Connee."
Site Page
Surry by the Bay - Early Settlement
"Early Settlement Copy of Surry and Ellsworth map, ca. 1880Maine Historical Society Border Dispute Originally, Surry extended to the Union…"
Site Page
Surry by the Bay - Surry Today
"Surry Today Home to about 1,300 residents, Surry today is a vibrant town boasting an active, creative, and diverse citizenry, many of whom are…"
Site Page
Surry by the Bay - Weathervane Dispute
"Weathervane Dispute New Surry Grammar School, 1952Surry Historical Society Text by Lynn Bonsey Images contributed by Surry Historical Society…"
Site Page
Surry by the Bay - Early Twentieth Century
"Early Twentieth Century Daily Living During the Jazz Age of 1920s, Surry had some specialized schools, including a dancing school and a singing…"
Site Page
Surry by the Bay - Sawmills of Cunningham Ridge
"Sawmills of Cunningham Ridge Text by Bryan McLellan Images contributed by Wilbur and Marjorie Saunders through the Surry Historical Society From the…"
Site Page
Surry by the Bay - Nineteenth Century
"Nineteenth Century 'Melissa Trask,' 1884Maine Historical Society Shipbuilding Seafaring enterprises played a major role in Surry's economy…"
Site Page
Surry by the Bay - Broadway by the Bay
"Broadway by the Bay Playhouse, Surry, 1946Surry Historical Society Surry Playhouse 1929-1938/1946-1953 Text by Kate Mrozicki Images…"
Site Page
"Welcome Come to SurrySurry Historical Society Welcome to the Hancock County coastal community of Surry."
Site Page
Surry by the Bay - Late Twentieth Century
"Late Twentieth Century Scenic view of Patten Bay, Surry, ca. 1960Surry Historical Society Changes By 1950, Surry's population had dropped to…"