Location: Norway
Item 5444
Departure of the Norway Light Infantry, 1898
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1898-05-02 Location: Norway Media: Photographic print
Item 5538
Robert McKeen with plow, Norway, 1958
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1958 Location: Norway Media: Photographic print
Item 150608
House for Mr. A. Hebbard, Norway, 1895
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1895 Location: Norway Client: A. Hebbard Architect: George M. Coombs
Item 150631
Plan of Residence for Mr. Stephen O. Jellerson, Norway, 1924
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1924 Location: Norway Client: Stephen O. Jellerson Architect: Harry S. Coombs