There came the cyclone of 1895, Some were hurt but all stayed alive.
Damage was done unto Hallowell’s grounds, All that was left was discarded mounds.
Chas A. Brown was watchin’ the mill, when all of the sudden, the winds were not still.
They ripped off the roof, they cast it away, for all in the town, it wasn’t fun that day.
Little Virgil White was severely hurt, for that cyclone hurled that little squirt.
They found Virgil in a mass of rubble. They instantly knew that he was in trouble.
He broke some bones, he needed some care, fortunately, there were doctors there.
They fixed up the damage as fast as they could, before you knew it, he was out chopping wood!
Stearn and Simmons’ stable was crushed like an egg, by good luck, there was no mercy to beg.
That one little horsey was safe and sound. In a small space, that horse was found.
Fly away plywood had piled together, creating a space that cramped together.
That whole city was made into piles, but that couldn’t wipe off the citizens smiles.
They worked together to build back the city, now the city doesn’t look so icky.
This is the end so we gotta go, bye for now until our next show.
By: Eva, Brooks, David and Greta