Ned to Persis Blanchard, Relay House, Maryland, 1861
Contributed by Maine Historical Society
"Ned," most likely a nickname of James E. Mitchell, wrote to Persis Blanchard of Cumberland on Nov. 21, 1861, describing his Thanksgiving dinner and wondering about hers and that of others in Maine.
He wrote that "three turkeyes baked in tiptop shape about a bushel of cakes and pies" arrived for his mess of five. He added, "but to tell you the truth Pers your letter done me more good than all the thanksgiving dinners in the state of Maine."
He also discusses Neal Dow's regiment and doubts that it will do well because of inexperience, noting that the 5th Maine "disgraced themselves and the state at bull run," also because of "green" officers.
The letter is to "My Dear Sister" and signed "From Your Brother Ned." The two were not siblings.
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