Alonzo Stinson, Portland, ca. 1860
Contributed by Maine Historical Society
Alonzo Palmer Stinson was the first soldier from Portland killed in the Civil War. He was 19 when he died at the Battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861. He was a sergeant in Company H of the Fifth Maine Volunteer Regiment, which mustered in June of 1861.
A memorial in Eastern Cemetery was dedicated to A. Stinson on July 4, 1908.
Alonzo's brother Harry was also in Company H; he stayed on the battlefield with his brother after Alonzo was wounded by a cannonball. Harry was captured by the Confederates and was imprisoned for over a year. After getting out of prison he returned to the war as an officer in the Volunteers Aide-de-Camp Infantry Regiment. He died of disease, "in the service of his country," on Feb. 22, 1866.
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