Eastern Maine Medical Center: 1920s to the Present

Aerial view, Eastern Maine General Hospital, Penobscot River, ca. 1951

Aerial view, Eastern Maine General Hospital, Penobscot River, ca. 1951
Item 16201   info
Eastern Maine Medical Center

In 1950, "Increased cases from the Tumor Clinic and greater attention to cancer have (made necessary) the addition of a full-time therapy nurse."

"An upward trend in student enrollment to our 3-year program in nursing is encouraging but the decrease in those admitted to the 5-year program is a source of great concern to us." --Mabel R. Booth, R.N.

Under the amended Federal Social Security Act, trustees make available Social Security enrollment to employees.

The Auxiliary, with membership approaching 500, furnishes a lounge for laboratory technicians and secretaries, and outfits a lounge, dining room and kitchenette in the nurse's residence. Auxilians also prepare supplies each afternoon for use in the operating rooms, outpatient department, and wards.

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