Eastern Maine Medical Center: 1920s to the Present

Coffee Shop at Eastern Maine General Hospital in 1952

Coffee Shop at Eastern Maine General Hospital in 1952
Item 16203   info
Eastern Maine Medical Center

A coffee shop operated by the Auxiliary opens in July 1951.

"The installation of a new incinerator for burning of waste has done much to eliminate smoke nuisance in the neighborhood."

A parking area for visitors "graded, tarred and marked off for more than 100 cars can adequately accommodate all needs for parking when properly used."

Ward C (3rd floor 1899 building) was "completely modernized and redecorated...entirely by our own building maintenance staff...This area is now one of our most pleasant and popular divisions." --Director Frank Curran

The Stetson residence on Broadway is given to the hospital under the will of Clarence Stetson, in memory of his parents. Trustees designate the home as a residence for the managing director of the hospital and remodel it to include two apartments for interns.

A giant electromagnet "not available in many of the larger hospitals" is provided for the eye service through a gift from the Blaisdell Foundation.

Trustee President George Eaton writes in 1952, "A campaign of education should be sponsored to eliminate the words 'hospital aid' from the legislative vocabulary and supply in their stead the words 'aid to hospital patients'." His comment reflects frustration with a system of inadequate state reimbursement, which forces application of charitable income to operating costs. "The trustees feel it is their duty to solicit from friends of the institution annual gifts toward annual maintenance. ...There are many who read this report who might budget their charitable giving in such a manner as to assist."

The (pathology) residency program has been without applicants since the beginning of the Korean War.

Trustees engage a national auditing firm to recommend new procedures designed to provide "the facilities of modern accounting."

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