Otisfield's One-Room Schoolhouses

East Otisfield School, Otisfield, ca. 1910

East Otisfield School, Otisfield, ca. 1910
Item 7316   info
Otisfield Historical Society

East Otisfield was once commonly known as Pugleyville, perhaps because one of the mills in the village produced ceramics known as pugs. This building, which became a residence, was replaced by a newer building in a different location in the 1920s.

Students in back row, left to right, are Ruth Lamb, Elvira Edwards, Cynthia Mayberry, Earl Spiller, Charles Macaulay. Middle row, left to right, are Ethel Scribner (later Hirst), Ruby Jillson, Marion Spiller, Margelia Dyer (later Hamlin), Nellie Pottle (later Hankins), David Jillson. Front row, left to right: Eddie Wood, Lena Kemp, uniden. boy, Edith Macaulay, Carl Lamb. Teacher Blanche Smith. Unidentified boy lived in small house on Rayville Road.

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