Otisfield's One-Room Schoolhouses

Spurrs Corner School, Otisfield, ca. 1910

Spurrs Corner School, Otisfield, ca. 1910
Item 7337   info
Otisfield Historical Society

The background of this photo shows the brick schoolhouse in Spurrs Corner, built in 1839 and replaced by a wooden structure in the 1920s.

Students identified are as follows. Back row, 1st girl unidentified, then Henry Hamlin, Clifton Lombard; unidentified girl, then Sarah Hamlin (later Hanscom). Middle row, left to right, first three unidentified, then Charlotte Nutting, two more unidentified, Elinor Hamlin (later Lombard), and Esther Morey. Front row, left to right: first unidentified, then Albert Dean Nutting (in sweater), Charlotte Nutting, and Carl Fickett. Apparently Ellsworth Stuart and Elwin Morey are also in photo but names cannot now be matched with faces.

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