Photo Album Cover, University of Maine Farmington, ca. 1917
Item 62868 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"A place that is always dear to an F.S.N.S. girl 1917-1918 Here's where Ma Allen made us keep "The Golden Rule" and we loved her just the same."
The place dear to Liz's heart, depicted in the postcard on her photo album cover, is Purington Hall, the women's dormitory at the Normal School. Mrs. L. Estelle Allen, affectionately known to students as "Mother" or "Ma" Allen, was the dorm's Matron. It was her responsibility to enforce the strict dormitory rules, and to oversee the day to day operation of the building. Judging by tributes found in scrapbooks and other memorabilia, Mrs. Allen guided "her girls" with loving care, and earned her nickname, "Mother."
Merrill Hall, Farmington State Normal School, ca. 1917
Item 64850 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"F.S.N.S. or where Pa Mallett taught Golden Rules"
W.G. Mallet's career at the Normal School spanned 49 years. As Principal of the school, he was an energetic man of high moral standards, who did not hold with smoking, drinking, or late sleeping. Mallett was a true champion of high quality education for teachers, and always sought to instill his high ideals in his students.
Sobeyaka Campfire, Farmington State Normal School, ca. 1917
Item 65100 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"Sobeyaka Campfire 1916-1917. Miss Smith was our leader. We surely had some jolly times. Muriel and I joined in the fall term that we entered F.S.N.S. Edna helped initiate us."
Several Campfire Groups, including Sobeyaka (shown here), Soangetaha, Pierpole, and Witawentin, were active social service organizations for young women at the Farmington State Normal School. The girls made and beaded their ceremonial dresses.
Student outing, Farmington State Normal School, ca. 1917
Item 65104 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"Up to the Willows one Sun. p.m. "Innocents Abroad" - We would rather not tell who?"
The Willows was built in 1870 by Hannibal Belcher as a private school for girls run by his daughter Lucy. After 5 years the school closed, and the property remained vacant for some time before being purchased and refurbished as a hotel.
In the early 1890s, several Normal School banquets and other events were held in the building. In 1923, the building was purchased by FSNS to use as a dormitory. It served as student housing for nearly 15 years for 65 – 75 students and was managed by Mr. and Mrs. John Mahoney.
Student "Supper Bunch," Farmington State Normal School, ca. 1917
Item 65516 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"Our Supper Bunch.
We asked a passerby to take this, so of course we are not to blame for any imperfections."
Liz, the creator of the scrapbook that contained this photograph, is at the far right, in the hat with the enormous bow.
Soldiers at the Cascades, Farmington, 1917
Item 65831 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"At The Cascades when the soldiers were at Farmington"
A Farmington Normal School student took this snapshot of World War I soldiers at the Cascades in Farmington. The Cascades was a favorite picnic destination for Normal School students.
Domestic Science class, Farmington, ca. 1917
Item 65832 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"Our Domestic Science class when they were Juniors taken at Purington Hall. Emma Polackawich is teaching the class. This is only one of the sporty things Emma can do.
Verlie making a good recitation."
Liz, the creator of this album, was enrolled in the two year "Advanced Course" for Home Economics. Upon graduation, she would have been qualified to teach the subject.
Student waitresses, Farmington State Normal School, 1917
Item 65833 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"We waited on tables over the 'B.'"
In 1917, the two year "Regular Course" for teacher training was divided into four terms. First year students completed A and B terms, then returned the next year for C and D terms.
Arbor Day, Farmington State Normal School, 1917
Item 65834 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"When the wind blew on Arbor Day."
Liz and her room mate Muriel in their white Arbor Day dresses.
Farmington State Normal School student, Arbor Day, 1917
Item 65835 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"Edna Smith bless her heart how she could growl."
W.G. Mallett, Farmington State Normal School, ca. 1918
Item 64410 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"Pa Mallett When he was good he was awful good."
Principal W.G. Mallet was in many ways a father figure to the students, and was often affectionately referred to as "Pa" in student scrapbooks and photo albums.
Lillian Lincoln, Farmington State Normal School, ca. 1917
Item 65847 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"Miss Lincoln our good critic in Grade one."
Lillian Lincoln graduated from the Farmington Normal School in 1885, and was hired to teach at the school immediately after her graduation.
An innovative and progressive educator, Miss Lincoln became the principal of the Model School in 1894, where she guided the development of teachers in training until her retirement in 1924.
Arthur Thomas, Farmington State Normal School, ca. 1917
Item 65848 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"Mr. Thomas - a very lovable man without chemistry and physics"
Arthur M. Thomas was hired as science teacher and sub-principal (a new position at FSNS) in 1909. A graduate of Colby, he taught chemistry, physics, zoology, agriculture, astronomy, and mineralogy. With the exception of a year away teaching at the Yale Mission School in Changsha, China from 1922 – 1923, Thomas remained at FSNS until 1929.
The auditorium in the Preble Hall science building was named in honor of Thomas' 20 years of service to the school.
Virginia Porter, Farmington State Normal School, ca. 1917
Item 65849 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"Miss Porter - She knows Geography from A to Z"
Virginia Porter was an unusual educator at the Normal School, in that she did not have a college degree. She was hired on the strength of her record as a high school teacher in Orono.
Miss Porter eventually became head of the English Department, and was named Professor Emeritus of Farmington State Teachers College in 1957.
Marion Ricker, Farmington State Normal School, ca. 1917
Item 65850 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"Miss Ricker - the leader in Domestic Science"
Marion Ricker was the first director of the Home Economics department of the Normal School. Ricker Hall, on the University of Maine at Farmington campus was named in her honor.
Carolyn Stone, Farmington State Normal School, ca. 1917
Item 65851 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"Miss Stone - Have your lessons and you'll like her!"
This dynamic woman is an integral part of the history of the Normal School. She played many different overlapping roles over the years: teacher, coach, unofficial school nurse, Dean of Women.
She was, at all times, an advocate for active, healthy lifestyles for women. It's clear from the many memorials and tributes to her that students were devoted to her.
Nina Palmer, Farmington State Normal School, ca. 1917
Item 65852 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"Miss Palmer taught reading. My but we had fine lessons."
Nina Palmer taught reading, and was the director of the Normal School dramatics program for several years. In 1917, she staged a Patriotism pageant that featured every member of the graduating class - over 100 players!
Farmington State Normal Students visit the Nordica Homestead, ca. 1917
Item 65947 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"Leone, Viv, Muriel and I walked up to the famous singer's birthplace."
Walking was a very common pastime for Normal School students, and the Nordica Homestead was a frequent destination.
Farmington State Normal School students climbing a billboard, ca. 1917
Item 65949 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"We saw this fat man on our way home and Vive tore her skirt trying to hug the old fellow. One would surely be surprised at Vive."
This roadside advertising sign for The Red Store, McLeary & Voter Co., was located somewhere between the Normal School and the Nordica Homestead in Farmington.
Farmington State Normal School students in Red Cross uniforms, 1917
Item 65950 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"This was our Red Cross uniform at the Farmington Fair, 1917. The Campfire girls in Normal earned $200. at the fair selling tags for the Red Cross."
Students in the Red Cross at Farmington Normal School raised money to purchase medical supplies and materials for comfort packages to send to American servicemen in WWI.
Gym class, Farmington State Normal School, ca. 1917
Item 65951 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"B gym class"
This photograph of a gym class exercising with hoops was taken in the original Normal School gymnasium in the basement of what is now Merrill Hall on the University of Maine Farmington Campus.
Christian Youth Association masquerade, Farmington State Normal School, ca. 1917
Item 65952 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"A bunch of us Association girls got up a masquerade, and had a jolly good time as well as making lots of money for the Association. This is just a sample of the group that attended."
Hazel Hinkley and Lucile Larabee dress as clowns for a fundraising masquerade.
The students of Farmington State Normal School were very active fundraisers for war relief, sending medical supplies and comfort packages to the frontlines of WWI.
Thanksgiving Costume Party, Farmington State Normal School, 1917
Item 65985 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"The Kid's Party - Every Thanksgiving the F.S.N.S. girls who are not able to go home have the best time you ever heard of dressing as little children and having kid's treat."
Farmington State Normal Students loved parties, dances, and "sociables" of all sorts.
Costume parties seem to have been a particular favorite during this time period.
Picnic Committee, Farmington State Normal School, ca. 1917
Item 65986 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"Liz, Ethel, Peg, Marion. Started for a Baptist picnic up to the slate quarrie. This picture shows the committee who had charge. The eats were some good."
Farmington State Normal School picnic performers, ca. 1917
Item 66084 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"Hinkey and Frenchie at the picnic. Of all the performing at the quarry, Miss Bakeman and Mr. Thomas were dandy sports. We played 'Ring Around Rosie.'"
Miss Bakeman and Mr. Thomas were both teachers at the Normal School. Faculty of the time often attended and hosted social gatherings, and were very much part of the social scene on campus.
Tree climbing, Farmington, ca. 1917
Item 66085 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"Marion and Frenchie up a tree and poor Glinzy horrified for one!"
High jinks on a Normal School outing.
A picnic campfire, Farmington State Normal School, 1918
Item 66844 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"All the girls who trained in 1st grade room went on a picnic up to the slate quarry. Clara Bacon was the model teacher and she accompanied us. We built the fire, then had a feast of hot dogs, sandwiches, cake, olives, coffee, toasted marshmallows, and 'the mock trial.' Middies and Bloomers up the costume. 1918"
Errol Dearborn, Farmington State Normal School, 1918
Item 64409 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"Mr. Dearborn our only boy but he was good enough so we didn't need any more. He was our class Pres. The girls all liked him but Nan faired better than the rest."
Erroll Dearborn returned to the Normal School in 1922 to join the teaching staff. He coached all of the men's athletic teams through the 1920's, at times even playing on the baseball team to make up for a shortage of players.
Dearborn was the driving force behind the fund raising and construction of Alumni Gymnasium, completed in 1931. In 1945, Dearborn became President of the Normal School. The Dearborn gymnasium on the UMF campus was named in his honor.
Arbor Day Procession, Farmington State Normal School, 1918
Item 66888 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"The class of 1918 F.S.N.S. coming down from the Normal bld. 107 was our number planting the ivy."
Each graduating class chose a plant to commemorate Arbor Day, and planted the item with much pomp and ceremony. Since most of the Ivy on University buildings has since been removed, it is unlikely that the Arbor Day contribution from the class of 1918 still exists on campus.
"Our Bunch" on Arbor Day, Farmington 1918
Item 66896 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"Our Bunch" on the steps of the library. Arbor Day 1918."
Liz and her friends pose on the steps of the Farmington Public Library.
Class Day at Clearwater Lake, Farmington State Normal School, 1918
Item 66897 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"At Clearwater on our Class Day. Everyone was taking snapshots, especially Peg. We played ball and had some of the class parts."
Class Day at Farmington State Normal School was an outing held just before graduation, and like many F.S.N.S. events, involved games, enacting scenes from plays, singing, and - of course - food!
Powder House Hill picnic, Farmington State Normal School, 1918
Item 66898 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"Our last Sunday night feast at F.S.N.S. We certainly had a jolly good time. Powder House Hill was quite a familiar place to some of our classmates, especially Margaret & Mary."
Is the photo album's creator making a veiled reference to mischief on the part of Margaret and Mary with this caption? We may never know!
Aunt Prudy visits Farmington State Normal School, 1918
Item 66899 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"Aunt Prudy came up 3 weeks before graduation & we tried to have her enjoy herself."
From the look on Aunt Prudy's face, one can guess that Liz's efforts weren't entirely successful!
Students boarding the train for home, Farmington, 1918
Item 66900 info
Mantor Library at UMF
"The next morning after graduation we left on the first train for home. I got off the train & took this one last picture in the dear old place. June 1918."
This is the final, bittersweet image in Liz's photo album chronicling her two years at the Farmington Normal School.
This slideshow contains 34 items