Weddings and Accoutrements

Wedding decoration doll, Peru, 1939

Wedding decoration doll, Peru, 1939
Item 48252   info
Maine Historical Society

I was married in a spotted Swiss Muslin Dress Flowin Under sleeves, White kid gloves and so forth, I have got a Cornelian ring and a real handsome gold one that Mr Collins gave …

–– Lucy Collins, Michigan, formerly of Yarmouth, September 11, 1854

I gave Clara twenty dollars to purchase a wedding dress & bonnet and some money towards a shawl … Claras Bonnet was Salmon colored silk a overbonnet with a neat Salmon colored wreath it cost about six dollars her dress was appropriate and neat … we commenced the Married life at about 8 o clock March 27 1850.

–– John Martin, Bangor

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