Frank Swan's summer camp, music room, ca. 1905
Contributed by Skowhegan History House
- MMN Item 7586
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- MMN Item 7586
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Skowhegan's world renowned violinist, Elise Fellows White, and her family spent many happy summer vacations at uncle Frank's summer camp on Wesserunsett Lake in Madison.
Certainly many impromptu family concerts took place in this room on summer evenings. Mrs. White seemed much impressed with the Grizzly Bear rug in front of the hearth.
She wrote, "The rug was a silver-tip grizzly bear, shot at the Molly Gibson Mine near Nelson, British Columbia, home for ten years of Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. White ( Elise Fellows of Skowhegan). Bruce Fellows was mine manager and the bear rug was sent by him to James Fellows and Deborah (Swan) Fellows about 1902. The head contained all the original teeth."
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