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Maine History Online

A Maine Historical Society Website

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Maine and the Space Age

Item 4 of 11
Radome, Andover, 1962

Radome, Andover, 1962

Item 25452 info
Maine Historical Society

In 1961, AT&T announced it had purchased land in Andover and construction began.

During the winter of 1961-62, during the construction phase, the heat in the dome failed and snow accumulated on top of the dome.

When the heat was restored, a large lake formed on top. Technicians then faced the challenge of removing the water.

They decided to shoot a hole in the Hypolon dome, allowing the water to drain. As the pressure inside equalized, the remaining water and ice was thrown off.

A large piece crashed onto one of the nearby office trailers, crushing it.

The dome with the bulge showing is the construction dome. When construction was completed, a new dome covered the antenna and the bulge, which had been needed to clear the house at the end of the horn, was not needed.