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Prisoners of War

Item 5 of 20
George Dennison letter, war prisoner, 1814

George Dennison letter, war prisoner, 1814

Item 7482 info
Maine Historical Society

The War of 1812, pitted the United States and Great Britain against one another for control of territory along the Great Lakes, impressment of American sailors, and other grievances.

But the war affected Maine, especially its coastal towns that relied on shipping that was interrupted. The British captured the coast east of Penobscot Bay.

Seaman George Dennison of Freeport was taken prisoner by the British January 13, 1814, but was unable to write to his father until Oct. 4, 1814. He was held at Dartmoor Prison in England.

He told his parents that 4,000 Americans were prisoners in England.

"As for peace:," he wrote, "I have no hopes. I expect I shall be detained here during the war."

He asked for money to be sent through a Portland merchant to one in England so he could obtain needed items.