1870-1920: End of the Ocean Highway
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Baxter, Sylvester, "The Redevelopment of an Old State." Review of Reviews 33 (January 1906): 55-62.
Carleton, Leroy T. Maine as a Vacation State. (Portland: Marx Printing House, 1902)
Chamberlain, Joshua L. Maine: Her Place in History (Augusta: Sprague, Owen & Nash, 1877).
Judd, Richard W. Common Lands, Common People: the Origins of Conservation in Northern New England. (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1997)
Judd, Richard W., Edwin A. Churchill, and Joel W. Eastman, eds. Maine: The Pine Tree State from Prehistory to the Present. (Orono, Maine: University of Maine Press, 1995)
Lockard, Duane. New England State Politics. (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1959)
Moores, Lawrence W. "The History of the Ku Klux Klan in Maine, 19220-1931." M.A. thesis, University of Maine, 1950.
Penney, W. Primitive Industry and Modern in the State of Maine. (Portland: Marks Printing House, 1902)
Rand, John A. The Peoples: Lewiston-Auburn, Maine, 1875-1975. (Freeport, Maine: Bond Wheelwright, 1975)
Stahl, Jasper Jacob. History of Old Broad Bay and Waldoboro in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. (Portland: Bond Wheelwright, 1956).