Contributed by Maine Historical Society
Maine Ku Klux Klan King Kleagle F. Eugene Farnsworth (1868-1926) wrote the words and Milton Charles Bennett composed the music for "It's Your Land and My Land."
The sheet music, published in 1923, includes this dedication on the cover, "To the lovers of Law and Order, Peace and Justice, we send greeting' and to the shades of the valiant, venerated Dead, we gratefully and affectionately -- Dedicate this Song!"
The last line of the chorus is, "We'll fight to keep it our land, America the Free."
The Klan was active in Maine and much of the rest of the country in the 1920s. The focus of the activity in Maine was Roman Catholics and immigrants, although the small African-American population was sometimes targeted.
About This Item
- Title: 'It's Your Land and My Land,' Portland, 1923
- Creator: F. Eugene Farnsworth
- Creation Date: 1923
- Subject Date: 1923
- Location: ME
- Media: Ink on paper
- Dimensions: 31 cm x 23.3 cm
- Local Code: Sheet Music 21
- Object Type: Text and Image
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For more information about this item, contact:
Maine Historical Society485 Congress Street, Portland, ME 04101
(207) 774-1822 x230
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