Keywords: Bad Weather
Item 103934
Blizzard and sleet storm, Portland, 1920
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media Date: 1920-03-07 Location: Portland Media: Glass Negative
Item 103935
Blizzard in Monument Square, Portland, 1920
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media Date: 1920-03-07 Location: Portland Media: Glass Negative
A Portland newspaper wrote about an ice storm of January 28, 1886 saying, "The city of Portland was visited yesterday by the most inconvenient storm of the season."
A fire and two men whose lives were entwined for more than 50 years resulted in what is now considered to be "the Jewel of Portland" -- the Austin organ that was given to the city of Portland in 1912.
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - A Walk On The Streets During The Ice Storm
"… by candle light Although the ice storm caused bad weather It brought families and neighbors closer together The previous years had been quite nice…"
Site Page
Life on a Tidal River - Three Civil War Letters - Page 3 of 4
"… is mild and pleasant, although we have had it bad enough for the past week We are very pleasantly located – have plenty of wood —build five places…"
Learning to fly and instructing cadets at West Point during WWII
by Vera Cleaves
West Point during World War II
John Coyne from Waterville Enlists as a Railroad Man in WWI
by Mary D. Coyne
Description of conditions railroad men endured and family background on John Coyne.