Keywords: Corn factory
Item 9782
Corn factory workers, Alfred, 1892
Contributed by: Sanford-Springvale Historical Society Date: 1892 Location: Alfred Media: Print from glass negative
Item 27439
Burnham Morrill Corn Factory, Farmington, ca. 1930, ca. 1930
Contributed by: Farmington Historical Society Date: circa 1930 Location: Farmington Media: Postcard
Item 151720
Portland Packing Company, Portland, 1916-1918
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1916–1918 Location: Portland; Skowhegan Client: Portland Packing Company Architect: John Calvin Stevens and John Howard Stevens Architects
Maine's corn canning industry, as illuminated by the career of George S. Jewett, prospered between 1850 and 1950.
Blueberries to Potatoes: Farming in Maine
Not part of the American "farm belt," Maine nonetheless has been known over the years for a few agricultural items, especially blueberries, sweet corn, potatoes, apples, chickens and dairy products.
Site Page
"Burnham Morrill Corn Factory, Farmington, ca. 1930, ca. 1930 Contributed by Farmington Historical Society Description Postcard of the…"
Site Page
Farmington: Franklin County's Shiretown - Corn Canning Industry
"Maine was ranked third in the country in corn packing, behind Illinois and New York. The season lasted a mere three weeks."
A Maine Family's story of being Prisoners of War in Manila
by Nicki Griffin
As a child, born after the war, I would hear these stories - glad they were finally written down