Keywords: Resident
Item 152078
Eagle Island resident John Littlefield, 1963
Contributed by: Maine Seacoast Mission Date: 1963 Location: Eagle Island Media: Photographic print
Item 34548
Martha Libby, Brunswick, ca. 1870
Contributed by: Pejepscot History Center Date: circa 1870 Location: Brunswick Media: Photographic print
Item 83566
20-26 WaterStreet, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Emma Shattuck Use: Dwelling
Item 83568
20-26 WaterStreet, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Emma Shattuck
Item 151022
House at 29 Clifton Street, Portland, ca. 1931
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1931 Location: Portland Client: Mrs. H.O. Hislop Architect: John P. Thomas
Item 151288
Dupree residence, Mount Desert, 1989-1994
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1989–1994 Location: Mount Desert Client: Frederick Dupree, Architect: Patrick Chasse; Landscape Design Associates
Independence and Challenges: The Life of Hannah Pierce
Hannah Pierce (1788-1873) of West Baldwin, who remained single, was the educated daughter of a moderately wealthy landowner and businessman. She stayed at the family farm throughout her life, operating the farm and her various investments -- always in close touch with her siblings.
Home: The Wadsworth-Longfellow House and Portland - The Privy
"In later years, many of the residents were immigrants from Canada, Ireland, or Germany. In 1874, sewers came to Brown Street."
Site Page
John Martin: Expert Observer - Illustrations: Residences
"… Illustrations: Residences"
Site Page
John Martin: Expert Observer - Rufus Prince residence, Bangor, 1850
"Rufus Prince residence, Bangor, 1850 Contributed by Maine Historical Society and Maine State Museum Description John Martin (1823-1904) of…"
My family and Malaga Island
by Charmagne Tripp
The state of Maine evicted all residents of Malaga Island in 1912.
Redlining and the Jewish Communities in Maine
by David Freidenreich
Federal and state policies created unfair housing practices against immigrants, like redlining.
Lesson Plan
Longfellow Studies: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow & Harriet Beecher Stowe
Grade Level: 9-12
Content Area: Social Studies
As a graduate of Bowdoin College and a longtime resident of Brunswick, I have a distinct interest in Longfellow. Yet the history of Brunswick includes other famous writers as well, including Harriet Beecher Stowe. Although they did not reside in Brunswick contemporaneously, and Longfellow was already world-renowned before Stowe began her literary career, did these two notables have any interaction? More particularly, did Longfellow have any opinion of Stowe's work? If so, what was it?
Lesson Plan
Teddy Roosevelt, Millie, and the Elegant Ride Companion Curriculum
Grade Level: 3-5, 6-8
Content Area: Social Studies
These lesson plans were developed by Maine Historical Society for the Seashore Trolley Museum as a companion curriculum for the historical fiction YA novel "Teddy Roosevelt, Millie, and the Elegant Ride" by Jean. M. Flahive (2019). The novel tells the story of Millie Thayer, a young girl who dreams of leaving the family farm, working in the city, and fighting for women's suffrage. Millie's life begins to change when a "flying carpet" shows up in the form of an electric trolley that cuts across her farm and when a fortune-teller predicts that Millie's path will cross that of someone famous. Suddenly, Millie finds herself caught up in events that shake the nation, Maine, and her family. The lesson plans in this companion curriculum explore a variety of topics including the history of the trolley use in early 20th century Maine, farm and rural life at the turn of the century, the story of Theodore Roosevelt and his relationship with Maine, WWI, and the flu pandemic of 1918-1920.