Keywords: card table
Item 11673
Contributed by: The General Henry Knox Museum Date: 1796 Location: Thomaston; Charlestown Media: Mahogany
Item 15755
Worster House card, Hallowell, ca. 1930
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1930 Location: Hallowell Media: Ink on paper
Putting Men to Work, Saving Trees
While many Mainers were averse to accepting federal relief money during the Great Depression of the 1930s, young men eagerly joined the Civilian Conservation Corps, one of President Franklin Roosevelt's most popular programs. The Maine Forest Service supervised the work of many of the camps.
In Time and Eternity: Shakers in the Industrial Age
"In Time and Eternity: Maine Shakers in the Industrial Age 1872-1918" is a series of images that depict in detail the Shakers in Maine during a little explored time period of expansion and change.
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - Ice Harvesting on Cascade Pond
"… today!” “If people wanted ice they would put this card in the window showing how much ice they wanted; a ten cent block or a twenty cent block."
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - Ice Harvesting on Cascade Pond ~ A Family Affair
"… today! If people wanted ice they would put this card in the window showing how much ice they wanted; a ten cent block or a twenty cent block."
Aroostook Potato Harvest: Perspective of a Six Year Old
by Phyllis A. Blackstone
A child's memory of potato harvest in the 1950s
Pandemic Chaplaincy
by Rev Judy L Braun
Reflections of a hospice Chaplains encounter with end of life during Coronavirus pandemic 2020-21