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My Maine Stories

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Finding and cooking fiddleheads with my parents
by Brian J. Theriault

My father has been picking and eating fiddleheads almost all his life, Mom prepares and stores them


Apple Time - a visit to the ancestral farm
by Randy Randall

Memories from childhood of visiting the family homestead in Limington during apple picking time.


First night on the pulp pile at zero degrees, to mill foreman
by Arthur Benedetto

I worked my way up in International Paper, moving from the pick ax pile to a foreman on computers


How Far is Deep Enough?
by Molly M.

Wading into Casco Bay after a hot and prickly afternoon on an island off Portland.


Growing up on a potato and dairy farm
by Paula Woodworth

Life growing up and working on a potato and dairy farm was hard work but fun in Aroostook County.


My education and work at THE Mercy
by Judy Harmon

Judy Harmon discussed X-Ray School, changing technology, and her 1960s jeep


Ah, les Fameuse Ployes!
by Alain Ouellette

Growing up in an Acadian French family and eating ployes


Aroostook Potato Harvest: Perspective of a Six Year Old
by Phyllis A. Blackstone

A child's memory of potato harvest in the 1950s


Two-minute Tale of the Pandemic
by Nancy Creighton Collins

What everyday life was like during the beginning of the pandemic.


making light
by David Johansen

My relationship with Maine and how and why I make neon lights here.


Cleaning Fish or How Grandfather and Grandmother got by
by Randy Randall

Grandfather and Grandmother subsisted on the fish Grandfather caught, not always legally.


A poem about my experiences in Vietnam
by Doug Rawlings

A poem about my experiences in Vietnam


Seawolf Outhouse Robbery
by Roger Ek, Seawolf 25

How necessity creates invention, and the moving of an outhouse in Vietnam.


Langdon Burton and the Cold, Wet Tourists
by Phil Tedrick

A father and son have their vacation experience totally changed by an encounter with a fisherman


Epidemic of violence against Indigenous people
by Michael-Corey F. Hinton

Systemic racism, murder, and the danger of stereotypes


Peace in Maine
by Rebekah Tower

My story is about my family vacations to Maine when I was growing up.


Peter Spanos fled the genocide in Turkey to Maine
by anonymous

Peter Spanos fled the Greek genocide in Smyrna in 1922, coming to Maine to work as a fruit peddler


Story of the "little nun"
by Felicia Garant

My grandmother made a nun's outfit for me


Catching live bait with Grandfather
by Randy Randall

We never bought live bait for fishing. Grandfather caught all the minnows and shiners we needed.


My Journey: Training Service Dogs in Prison
by Anonymous (Maine State Prison)

Inmates at Maine State Prison train dogs as service and companion animals. This is one story.


Scientist Turned Artist Making Art Out of Trash
by Ian Trask

Bowdoin College alum returns to midcoast Maine to make environmentally conscious artwork


The Village Cafe - A Place We Called Home
by Michael Fixaris

The Village Cafe was more than a restaurant. It was an extension of our homes and our families.


by Buddy Bieler

Buddy reflects on the experience of being incarcerated over the last sixteen years.


In an Old, Abandoned Island House, I Found my Mentor and my Muse
by Robin Clifford Wood

An aspiring writer finds inspiration and a mentor from the past in an old island home.