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My Maine Stories
Your results include these online stories. You also can view all of the site's stories. View all stories
Rug Hooking Project with a Story
by Marilyn Weymouth Seguin
My grandmother taught me the Maine craft of rug hooking when I was a child.
An enjoyable conference, Portland 2021
by John C. Decker, Danville, Pennsylvania
Some snippets from a 4-day conference by transportation historians in Portland, September 7-11, 2021
If You Knew My Story
by Anonymous (Maine State Prison)
A story about incarceration in Maine
63 year Presque Isle High School Class Reunion
by Kathryn E Joy
What happens when there are no more reunions planned.
A New Beginning for Wabanaki Land Relationships
by John Banks
Wabanaki leadership in land stewardship
August 12, 1967 was the most significant day of my life
by Bob Small
How the Vietnam war affected my life
How 20 years in the Navy turned me into an active volunteer
by Joy Asuncion
My service didn't end when I retired from the Navy
Memories of a mission in Vietnam, January 11, 1970
by SGT. Ronald Santerre, 1st Calvary Division
Extracting villagers from the Viet Cong in Vietnam
by Alivia Moore
Our shared future for all people in Wabanakiyik calls us to rematriate.
Welcome home Sgt. Cunningham
by Donald C Cunningham
It was great to be back in Maine.
Hurt People Hurt People
by Nicole Lund
Lund describes experience volunteering at Maine State Prison and befriending an incarcerated person.
My Story of Trauma
by Anonymous (Maine Correction Center)
The process of being incarcerated is traumatic. This is my story.
An Asian American Account
by Zabrina
An account from a Chinese American teen during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Monument Square 1967
by C. Michael Lewis
The background story and research behind a commissioned painting of Monument Square.
2020 Sheltering in Place Random Notes During COVID-19
by Phyllis Merriam, LCSW
Sheltering-in-Place personal experiences in mid-coast Maine (Rockland) during March and April 2020
A Lifelong Romance with Retail
by George A Smith
Maine's once plentiful small retail stores.
Margaret Moxa's Blanket Coat
by Jennifer Neptune
A contemporary artwork in memory of Penobscots murdered for scalp bounties.
My journey as an ETA (Elvis Tribute Artist)
by Jessi Mallory
My journey as an ETA (Elvis Tribute Artist)
The Oakfield Inn
by Rodney Duplisea
This is a summarized article about the opening of the Oakfield Inn. It appeared in the Bangor Daily
My father, Earle Ahlquist, served during World War II
by Earlene Chadbourne
Earle Ahlquist used his Maine common sense during his Marine service and to survive Iwo Jima
Stripped Of More Than Clothing
by Dan Adams
Juvenile strip searches while incarcerated.
In an Old, Abandoned Island House, I Found my Mentor and my Muse
by Robin Clifford Wood
An aspiring writer finds inspiration and a mentor from the past in an old island home.
Learning to fly and instructing cadets at West Point during WWII
by Vera Cleaves
West Point during World War II
A first encounter with Bath and its wonderful history
by John Decker
Visiting the Maine Maritime Museum as part of a conference