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Keywords: Maine Law

My Maine Stories

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Orphanage on Revere Street
by anonymous

An orphanage operated by a Mrs. Oliver on 54 Revere Street in Portland, Maine in 1930.


Timberland Legacy, My Family's History in Maine
by Lisa Huber

A long connection to the forestry industry and conservation movement in Maine


Michael Reilly: preserving an iconic family business
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

The story behind Reilly's Bakery, at the heart of Biddeford’s Main Street for 100+ years


Used, Abused, Battered, and Confused
by Anonymous (Maine Correctional Center)

The experience of domestic violence and the criminal justice system in Maine


Maine and the Atlantic World Slave Economy
by Seth Goldstein

How Maine's historic industries are tied to slavery


Biddeford and Maine Franco-American Hall of Fame Award recipient
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

With options to be a college French professor, became a lawyer, mayor, DA & District Court Judge


Lloyd LaFountain III family legacy and creating own path
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

Lloyd followed in his family’s footsteps of serving Biddeford and the State of Maine.


Reverend Thomas Smith of First Parish Portland
by Kristina Minister, Ph.D.

Pastor, Physician, Real Estate Speculator, and Agent for Wabanaki Genocide


The Equal Freedom to Marry
by Mary L Bonauto

Marriage Equality, Maine, and the U.S. Supreme Court


If You Knew My Story
by Anonymous (Maine State Prison)

A story about incarceration in Maine


Stripped Of More Than Clothing
by Dan Adams

Juvenile strip searches while incarcerated.


Who do you want living next door?
by anonymous

The writer reflects on the lack of mental health services for Maine's incarcerated individuals.


Redlining and the Jewish Communities in Maine
by David Freidenreich

Federal and state policies created unfair housing practices against immigrants, like redlining.


Hurt People Hurt People
by Nicole Lund

Lund describes experience volunteering at Maine State Prison and befriending an incarcerated person.


Thoughts of Freedom
by Raymond

Painting my thoughts and loves while incarcerated at Maine State Prison


Epidemic of violence against Indigenous people
by Michael-Corey F. Hinton

Systemic racism, murder, and the danger of stereotypes


Spiros Droggitis: From Biddeford to Washington DC and back
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

A Greek family's impact: from the iconic Wonderbar Restaurant to Washington DC


Love is greater than peace, For peace is founded upon love
by Parivash Rohani

My journey from Iran to Maine


Mike Remillard shares his in-depth knowledge of our community
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

You will learn a lot from Mike's fascination with many topics from church organs to submarines.


Senator Susan Deschambault: not afraid to take on challenges
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center Voices of Biddeford project

Honoring her family's small business roots and community service through her own unconventional path


We Are An Ordinary Family
by Catherine

Maine's abolitionists offer an answer to my questions about my family's experiences.


Where are the French?
by Rhea Côté Robbins

Franco-Americans in Maine


by Buddy Bieler

Buddy reflects on the experience of being incarcerated over the last sixteen years.


My family and Malaga Island
by Charmagne Tripp

The state of Maine evicted all residents of Malaga Island in 1912.