Third floor inmates, Farmington State Normal School, ca. 1928
Item 69707 info
Mantor Library at UMF
In the late 1920s and early 1930s, a group of girls living on the third floor of Purington Hall at Farmington State Normal School referred to themselves as the "angels", and the "the third floor gang". They had a reputation for being loud, fun, and boisterous as well as for breaking the rules. This image, from the scrapbook of one of the "Angel Alley" girls, Dolly Dunphy, is captioned "Some of the inmates of the third floor." Dolly is the second "inmate" on the right in the top row.
Student headstands, Farmington State Normal School, ca. 1929
Item 72756 info
Mantor Library at UMF
Doing headstands in outdoor locations seems to have been a fad among Normal School students in the 1920's. It is a recurring theme in several scrapbooks and photo albums in the University of Maine at Farmington's archive. Since most of the headstand photos were taken on mountain hikes, it may have been an exuberant way to celebrate arrival at the summit! This photograph is from the scrapbook of Doris "Dolly" Dunphy, class of 1929.
Pyramid of Pals, Farmington State Normal School, ca. 1929
Item 72835 info
Mantor Library at UMF
Students pose double-decker for a group photo. From the big smiles on their faces, it looks like they are having fun! That's Dolly wearing the letter sweater and showing off her garters.
Swimming at Clearwater Pond, Industry, 1929
Item 69754 info
Mantor Library at UMF
The adventurous Farmington State Normal School students in Dolly Dunphy's "third floor gang" of Purington Hall enjoyed swimming in the nude. While it may have been cause for much merriment, it wasn't without risks. Poor Dolly once got a bad case of poison ivy that resulted in a rash all over her body. She lamented in her scrapbook that she looked for a cure for weeks!
Clearwater picnic, Industry, ca. 1929
Item 69752 info
Mantor Library at UMF
Farmington State Normal School students often spent free time going to local spots for some outdoor fun. Saddleback and Tumbledown were popular for hikes, and Clearwater Pond a favorite for camping, swimming, and picnics. Here are some of the Purington Hall "third floor gang" at a cottage on Clearwater Pond.
Dorm room, Farmington State Normal School, ca. 1928
Item 69784 info
Mantor Library at UMF
Here are some of Dolly's "Angel Alley" gang, relaxing in a Purington Hall dorm room, exhibiting photos of their boyfriends. Like many women of the 1920s, they enjoyed social events such as dances and athletic games, which gave them a chance to have fun, make friends, potential husbands. One caption in Dolly's scrapbook prays "God, send us men!", but the letters and photographs she kept suggest she was never lacking for suitors!
First Year basketball team, Farmington State Normal School, 1928
Item 68356 info
Mantor Library at UMF
Team captain Dolly is holding the ball in this photo of the First Year (as freshman were called) baseketball team of 1928.
Field Hockey team, Farmington State Normal School, 1929
Item 68450 info
Mantor Library at UMF
Dolly at the head of the line, with her field hockey team of 1928.
Students on porch, Farmington State Normal School, ca. 1928
Item 69756 info
Mantor Library at UMF
Some of Dolly's friends enjoy some free time from their studies at Farmington State Normal School to hang out on a porch. In her class scrapbook, she describes this group as "not handsome - but wholesome".
Students on a railing, Farmington State Normal School, ca. 1929
Item 72757 info
Mantor Library at UMF
The Angel Alley girls go "bottoms up" in this playful photo of the third floor gang.
Sleigh Ride, Farmington State Normal School, ca. 1929
Item 72834 info
Mantor Library at UMF
Here's the one horse open sleigh, with four "dashing" Normal School students. Dolly is second from the left.
Swimming Costumes, Farmington State Normal School, ca. 1922
Item 69751 info
Mantor Library at UMF
Here's Jerry Lawrence (right) with pal Hortense in their swimming costumes. This photo was taken at Clearwater Pond.
"Jerry" fishing, Farmington State Normal School, ca. 1922
Item 69789 info
Mantor Library at UMF
Jerry showing off the catch of the day.
Snowshoeing, Farmington, 1922
Item 68453 info
Mantor Library at UMF
Jerry and pals out for a winter walk on snowshoes.
Girls in bloomers, Farmington State Normal School, ca. 1922
Item 72836 info
Mantor Library at UMF
Here's a pair of Jerry's pals, modeling their undergarments for a laugh. Oooh la la!
Students in Valentine costumes, Farmington State Normal School, ca. 1922
Item 69790 info
Mantor Library at UMF
Jerry mentioned in her scrapbook that she loved costume design. She would have had plenty of opportunity to get creative: costume parties and theatrical performances were extremely popular at Farmington State Normal School in the 1920s. Here she is on the right, modeling a dress for a Valentine's Day celebration.
Cooking class, Manchester, New Hampshire, 1924
Item 72749 info
Mantor Library at UMF
We know that after graduation, Jerry used her degree in Home Economics to land a teaching position at the Amoskeag School of Domestic Science. This is her Saturday morning cooking class.
Farmington State Normal School Students at rustic camp, ca. 1925
Item 73113 info
Mantor Library at UMF
Phyllis Smith (left), Algia McLeary, and Don (last name unknown) visiting a rustic fishing camp. Fishing, swimming, and boating in local lakes were very popular pastimes with Normal School students.
"Springtime" cast photo, Farmington State Normal School, 1925
Item 72750 info
Mantor Library at UMF
A cast photo from the musical "Springtime" from the scrapbook of Phyllis Smith. A program from the show lists Phyllis among the cast members, although we do not think she is one of these belles.
Costumed crew, Farmington State Normal School, ca. 1928
Item 73118 info
Mantor Library at UMF
Costume party or theatrical cast photo? We're not sure, but they look like they are having fun. Helen Varner is the dapper flapper, third from the right.
Ukelele Player, Wilton Railroad Station, ca. 1928
Item 73120 info
Mantor Library at UMF
The 1928 yearbook of Farmington State Normal School says "Helen Varner expresses herself through her uke." It appears her friend "Maddocks" did the same, as he serenades the Wilton railroad station in this photo from Helen's scrapbook.
The Soda Pops, Farmington State Normal School, 1930
Item 72751 info
Mantor Library at UMF
Kitty Haskell is the center "Soda Pop" in this cast photo from the musical "Her Song".
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