A story by MLTI Stories of Impact Project from 1990-2010
Jenifer Van Deusen's Maine Learning Technology Initiative (MLTI) conversation recorded on September 13, 2021
Starting in 1993, Jenifer led a K-12 professional learning program called SEED (Spreading Educator to Educator Developments) that identified, celebrated, and shared Maine educators' innovative ideas. SEED was funded through a national Technology Innovation Challenge grant from the US Department of Education, and for the next 6 years was focused on teachers teaching teachers about the purposeful and effective use of technology in Maine classrooms.
As the MLTI (Maine Learning Technology Initiative) was implemented in 2002, and one-to-one computing came into middle schools across the state, SEED played a role in facilitating professional learning opportunities for participants.
View the entire 28-minute video of Jenifer Van Deusen telling her story with this link: ACTEM.org/MLTIstories
Friendly URL: https://www.mainememory.net/mymainestory/Van_Deusen