Albums are created by individual users on Maine Memory Network. In order for an album to appear on a site, there are three steps:
1. The user who created the album must be added as a participant to your site. Go to Site > Manage Participants and add their username.
2. The user must then share their album with you by clicking the Share button in their Album Tools. From there, they select the project site with which they want to share the album.
3. The site administrator (you) needs to import the album into the site. After the user shares an album, it will appear on your site's Pending Albums page (Upload/Import > Import User Album from MMN). You can then import or reject the album. Importing and album creates a copy of the album in your administration account and then, if it needs to be edited, you can edit it from within your Album tools. (help/help_myAlbum.shtml)
To add a link to an album from a page or sitebar:
1. Select Page > Insert New Component
2. Select Album. Follow the onscreen instructions.
To view, edit, or delete albums that belong to your site:
1. Select Import/Upload > View Imported Albums List.
2. Follow on-screen instructions.