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Project Images

A project image is an image you've digitized for your site but one that is not included in the search feature of the MMN database. This includes contemporary photographs or those that do not meet MMN requirements for whatever reason. (Check with the Contributing Partners Manual to review Maine Memory Network standards).

Uploading Project Images
Before you can import project images onto a page, you must digitize them and upload them to your site.

SiteBuilder only accepts certain kinds of digital files:
Images – jpg
Video – mov or mpg
Audio – mp3
Documents – PDF

To upload files to your site:

  1. Select Import/Upload.
  2. Select Upload New File to send the digital image to the site from your computer or storage device. The site will only accept .jpg files for images.
    a. You may add notes to the image. This information can help with your file management. Note may include the name of the page that you want this image to appear on, who scanned the image, or a caption that only you can see.
  3. After your file has completed uploading, you will be taken to the File Manager. Follow the onscreen instruction to manage your files.

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